CZECH NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY held jointly with EUROPEAN NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTES Prague, November 19-21, 2005 Organized and sponsored by: The Czech Neuroscience Society The Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR The Network of European Neuroscience Institutes The Centre for Neuroscience The Central and Eastern Europe Regional Committee of IBRO |
Sobota 19. listopadu - Česká část Saturday, 19th November - The Czech Part |
14.00 |
Slavnostní zahájení 5. konference České společnosti pro neurovědy s předáním cen Společnosti (Kongresové centrum Ústavu klinické a experimentální medicíny) Opening of the Fifth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society with presentation of Society awards (Congress Center, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine) |
14.20 |
Neurofyziologické základy a diferenciální diagnostika abnormálních pohybů ve spánku (Neurophysiological grounds and differential diagnosis of abnormal movements in sleep) S. Nevšímalová, E. Nešpor, I. Příhodová, K. Šonka, Praha |
14.40 |
Funkční a elektrofyziologické aspekty neurotizačního postupu u poranění plexus brachialis. (Functional and electrophysiological aspects of the neurotization procedure in brachial plexus injury) P. Haninec, R. Tomáš, F. Šámal, L. Houšťava, P. Dubový, Praha a Brno. |
15.00 |
Torzní nystagmus - topologický význam, patofyziologie a kasuistiky. (Torsional nystagmus - topological significance, pathophysiology and case reports) R. Černý, J. Jeřábek, T. Nedělka, M. Bojar, Praha. |
15.20 |
Sluchová kmenová neuroprotéza - krátký přehled a vlastní výsledky. (Auditory brainstem neuroprosthesis - short review and own results) J. Skřivan, J. Betka, E. Zvěřina, J. Kluh, T. Šmilauer, J. Kraus, T. Tichý, S. Sedlák, M. Topol, Praha. |
15.40 |
Stárnoucí sluchový systém (Aging auditory system) J. Syka, J. Popelář, J. Mazelová, D. Groh, J. Pelánová, D. Buckiová, Z. Kabelka, Praha. |
16.00 |
Přestávka |
16.20 |
Elektrofyziologické testování zrakových kognitivních procesů. (Electrophysiological testing of visual cognitive processes) M. Kuba, J. Kremláček, J. Langrová, Z. Kubová, F. Vít, Hradec Králové. |
16.40 |
Zjišťování psychického stavu pomocí EEG aktivity mozku. (Reading psychic states by means of the brain´s EEG activity) J. Faber, M. Novák, T. Tichý, P. Svoboda, V. Tatarinov, Praha. |
17.00 |
Vyvolá ranná ischemická léze kognitivní poškození a epilepsii? (Does early ischemic lesion induce cognitive impairment and epilepsy?) H. Kubová, A. Mátéffyová, G. Tsenov, J. Otáhal, Praha. |
17.20 |
GABA-B systém a korové epileptické následné výboje u nezralých potkanů. (GABA-B system and cortical epileptic afterdischarges in immature rats) P. Mareš, Praha. |
17.40 |
Striopalidální komplex je narušen při status epilepticus vyvolaném u vyvíjejích se potkanů. (Striopallidal complex is compromised by status epilepticus induced in developing rats) R. Druga, H. Kubová, P. Mareš, Praha. |
18.00 |
Exprese a funkční význam P2X receptorů gonadotrofních buněk neonatální hypofýzy. (Expression and functional role of P2X receptorů in neonatal pituitary gonadotrophs) H. Zemková H., S. Bhattacharyya, A. Balík, Praha. |
18.20 |
Setkání účastníků konference s občerstvením (Get-together with refreshment) |
Sunday, 20th November | |
8.30 | Poster set-up, Poster Session 1 |
9.00 | Opening of the joint meeting of ENI-Net and the Czech Neuroscience Society (Congress Center, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine) |
9.20 | Session 1 - Receptors, synaptic vesicles Chairs: E. Neher, E. Syková |
9.20 | Single heptahelical domain is turned on upon activation of a dimeric metabotropic glutamate receptors J. Blahoš, V. Hlaváčková, C. Goudet, M. Havlíčková, J. Kniazeff, A. Ziková, D. Franková and J.-P. Pin, Prague and Montpellier |
9.40 | Glutamate receptor trafficking: From assembly to synapse N. Sans, Bordeaux |
10.00 | Regulation of nicotinic receptor trafficking in C. elegans S. Eimer, J. Richmond, M. Hengartner and J.-L. Bessereau, Göttingen, Paris, Chicago and Zürich |
10.20 | Role of scaffolding proteins in regulation of synaptic vesicle membrane recycling O. Shupliakov, Stockholm |
10.40 | Determinants of positive cooperativity of strychnine-like allosteric modulators with N-methylscopamine at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors J. Jakubík and V. Doležal, Prague |
11.00 | Coffee break |
11.20 | Session 2 - Stem cells, neurogenesis Chairs: C. Belmonte, A. Chvátal |
11.20 | Bone marrow stromal cells - a promising tool for therapy of brain and spinal cord injuries E. Syková, P. Jendelová, K. Glogarová, L. Urziková, V. Herynek, M Hájek, Prague |
11.40 | Tails of histones, transcriptional regulation and neural stem cell state and fate K. Wallenborg, A. I. Teixeira, E. Södersten, J. K. Duckworth, and O. Hermanson, Stockholm |
12.00 | Bridging spinal cord lesions with macroporous polymer hydrogels P. Jendelová, P. Lesný, A. Hejčl, M. Přádný, J. Michálek and E. Syková, Prague |
12.20 | Neurobiology of neural crest-derived stem cells R. Pardal, Seville |
12.40 | Nature and nurture in adult neurogenesis P.-M. Lledo, Paris |
13.00 | Lunch and Poster Session 1 |
15.00 | Session 3 - Stem cells, learning and memory Chairs: P.-M. Lledo, J. Syka |
15.00 | Activation of neurogenic niche in response to neurodegenerative process in the striatum Y. Mazurová, E. Rudolf, I. Látr and J. Österreicher, Hradec Králové |
15.20 | Reelin controls NMDA receptor subunit composition at hippocampal synapses during maturation P. Chavis, Bordeaux |
15.40 | Plasma membrane microdomains modulate early actin reorganization signaling for motility and differentiation F. S. Wouters, M. O. Ruonala and D. Pommereit, Göttingen |
16.00 | Activity dependent regulation of hippocampal granule cell membrane potential R. Mistry and J. Mellor, Bristol |
16.20 | The role of GABAB receptor in maintaining plastic synapses of CA1 hippocampal neurons R. Tureček, R. Vigot and B. Bettler, Prague and Basel |
16.40 | Cyclin D2, and its role in adult brain neurogenesis, learning and memory L. Kaczmarek, Warsaw |
17.00 | ENI-Net Kick-Off Meeting |
Monday, 21st November | |
8.30 | Poster set-up, Poster Session 2 |
9.00 | Session 4 - Synaptic plasticity, genes Chairs: J. Lopez-Barneo, J. Henley |
9.00 | Role of the CREB activation pathway in the consolidation of synaptic plasticity and memory processes A. Barco, Alicante |
9.20 | Behavioral influence of CREB activity in the nucleus accumbens M. Barrot, Strasbourg and Dallas |
9.40 | Calcium-sensitive protein-protein interactions in synaptic plasticity J. G. Hanley, Bristol |
10.00 | Epileptogenesis-related genes revisited K. Lukasiuk, M. Dabrowski and A. Pitkänen, Warsaw and Kuopio |
10.20 | CoREST-like complexes, chromatin modification and neuronal gene expression B. Lakowski, I. Roelens, S. Jacob, P. Smelty and F. Leiss, Paris |
10.40 | Atypical synaptic genes in autism spectrum disorders T. Bourgeron, Paris |
11.00 | Coffee break |
11.20 | Session 5 - Synaptic transmission, neuron-glia interactions Chairs: L. Kaczmarek, J. Paleček |
11.20 | Relevance of astrocytes for synapse development F. W. Pfrieger, I. Buard, T. Claudepierre, A. Niemiec, K. Nieweg, M. Slezak, C. Steinmetz and R. Thiebaud, Strasbourg |
11.40 | Lactation-induced changes of extracellular space volume and geometry in rat supraoptic nucleus L. Vargová, R. Piet, S. Oliet and E. Syková, Prague and Bordeaux |
12.00 | Membrane architecture of dendritic spines restricts lateral diffusion of synaptic membrane proteins M. C. Ashby, S. R. Maier, A. Nishimune and J. M. Henley, Bristol |
12.20 | 20-oxo-5 -pregnan-3 -yl sulfate is a use-dependent NMDA receptor inhibitor M. Petrovic, M. Sedlacek, M. Horak, H. Chodounska and L. Vyklicky Jr., Prague |
12.40 | Expression of NMDAR1 splice variants and NMDAR2C subunit in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus Z. Bendová and J.D. Mikkelsen, Prague |
13.00 | Lunch and poster session 2 |
15.00 | Session 6 - Modulation of synaptic transmission Chairs: B. Poulain, L. Vyklický, Jr. |
15.00 | Local application of high concentration capsaicin reduces postoperative pain J. Paleček and E. Pospíšilová, Prague |
15.20 | Molecular mechanisms guiding retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm C. G. Frigola, M. I. Carreres and E. Herrera, Alicante |
15.40 | Asymmetric localization of Vangl2 indicates novel mechanisms for planar cell polarity in mammals M. Montcouquiol, Bordeaux |
16.00 | Stimulus-secretion coupling in mouse melanotrophs S. Sedej, T. Rose, P. Pirih and M. Rupnik, Göttingen |
16.20 | The Bruchpilot protein organises Ca2+-channel clustering and active zone formation to allow efficient synaptic transmitter release in Drosophila R. Kittel, C. Wichmann, T. Rasse, W. Fouquet, M. Schmitt, A. Schmid, D. Wagh, E. Buchner, M. Heckmann and S. J. Sigrist, Göttingen, Würzburg and Freiburg |
16.40 | Coffee break |
17.00 | Session 7 - New techniques Chairs: C. Mulle, A. Stančák |
17.00 | Characterisation of synaptic AMPA receptor kinetics using glutamate uncaging within a diffraction-limited UV spot D. A. DiGregorio, T. A. Nielsen and R. A. Silver, London |
17.20 | Wave front engineering microscopy to study mechanotransduction in living cells V. Emiliani, E. Ferrari, D. Cojoc, C. Durieux, M. Coppey-Moisan and E. di Fabrizio, Paris and Trieste |
17.40 | Signaling in the basal ganglia: elucidation of the mechanism of action of psychoactive drugs using mutant mice G. Fisone, Stockholm |
18.00 | Catalytically small amount of IP prostanoid receptor is present in caveolin-enriched membrane domains; long-term agonist stimulation depletes the cognate Gsalpha protein but does not change receptor level P. Svoboda, Z. Moravcová, V. Rudajev, J. Stöhr, J. Novotný and G. Milligan, Prague |
18.20 | The maintenance of synaptic function and integrity in mice lacking Cysteine String Protein-α (CSP-α) new imaging approaches using Synaptophluorin transgenic mice R. Fernández-Chacón, Seville |
Sunday, 20th November, Poster Session 1 | |
1. | Suitability of GDNF-secreting dopaminergic carotid body cells for cell therapy in Parkinson's disease J. Villadiego, S. Méndez-Ferrer, J. J. Toledo-Aral and J. López-Barneo, Seville |
2. | In vivo imaging of odour evoked signals in the mouse olfactory bulb: wavelet-based detection and mapping of activated glomeruli B. Bathellier, D. Van De Ville, T. Blu, M. Unser and A. Carleton, Lausanne |
3. | Olfactory ensheathing Glia grow on three-dimensional polymer hydrogels T. Amemori, A. Hejčl, P. Lesný, M. Přádný, J. Michálek, P. Jendelová, E. Syková, Prague |
4. | Macroporous biodegradable hydrogels as candidates for implantation in the central nervous system P. Lesný, J. Michálek, M. Přádný, P. Jendelová, A. Hejčl, E. Syková, Prague |
5. | Positively charged HEMA-based hydrogels implanted immediately and one week after spinal cord injury in rat A. Hejčl, L. Urdziková, M. Přádný, J. Michálek, P. Jendelová, E. Syková, Prague |
6. | The intravenous treatment with mesenchymal stromal cells promotes functional recovery of chronic spinal cord injuries L. Urdziková, P. Jendelová, K. Glogarová, E. Syková, Prague |
7. | Homing of human bone marrow stromal cells into an injured rat brain Z. Syrová, K. Glogarová, V. Herynek, P. Jendelová, P. Procházka, T. Eckschlager, E. Syková, Prague |
8. | The effect of a lack of Tenascin-R on the extracellular space diffusion parameters and potassium-evoked cell swelling in mouse cortical slices A. Rafiq, L. Vargová, E. Syková, Prague |
9. | Extracellular diffusion parameters during and after unilateral carrotic occlusion in rat K. Šlais, A. Homola, E. Syková, Prague |
10. | Changes in diffusion parameters in the rat somatosensory cortex after transient global hypoxia/ischemia A. Homola, N. Zoremba, I. Voříšek, R. Rossaint, E. Syková, Prague |
11. | NE-4C cells differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes after the transplantation into the site of photochemical lesion I. Prajerová, M. Anděrová, Š. Kubinová, M. Jelitai, H. Neprašová, K. Glogarová, L. Urdzíková, A. Chvátal and E. Syková, Prague and Budapest |
12. | Effect of 3-nitropropionic acid on brain ischemia in rats K. Likavčanová, T. Liptaj, N. Pronayová, D. Dobrota, E. Syková, Prague and Martin |
13. | Real-time 3D morphometry reveales structural changes in astrocyte morphology during hypoosmotic stress and ischemia in brain slices A. Chvátal, M. Anděrova, H. Neprašová, M. Hock, I. Prajerová, V. Chvátal, E. Syková, Prague |
14. | Electrophysiological properties and immunohistochemical analyses of astrocytes after global cerebral ischemia in rats H. Neprašová, M. Anděrová, J. Benešová and A. Chvátal, Prague |
15. | Hippocampus-controlled Out-of-Context Activation of Memory in rats K. Blahna, K. Ježek, E. Kelemen and A. Fenton, Prague and New York |
16. | Effect of dopamine D1 receptor agonist A77636 and D1 antagonist SCH23390 on spatial memory in the active allothetic place avoidance task (AAPA) in rats L. Rambousek, K. Valeš, A. Stuchlík, Prague |
17. | Spatial memory impairment in the early stages of Frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Vascular dementia K. Vlček, J. Laczo, M. Kalina, J. Hort, J. Bureš, Prague |
18. | Social behavior as a spatial problem: A new aspect in operant tasks for a laboratory rat P. Telenský, J. Svoboda, K. Blahna and J. Bureš, Prague |
19. | Spatial decisions of rats based on abstract spatial informations T. Nekovářová, J. Bureš, Prague |
20. | Navigational decisions of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) based on abstract visual informations J. Nedvídek, T. Nekovářová, Prague |
21. | Strategy of searching the hidden goal in triangular and circular pools S.Wittnerová, J.Bureš, Prague |
22. | Effect classical and atypical antipsychotics in Active Allothetic Place Avoidance (AAPA) in animal model of schizophrenia K. Valeš, V. Bubeníková, L. Rambousek, L. Řezáčová, A. Stuchlík, Prague |
23. | Gender comparison in Robot Avoidance Task (RAT): Female rats equal males but display more thigmotaxis. J. Svoboda, P. Telenský, K. Blahna and J. Bureš, Prague |
24. | Differentiation of CA1 of hippocampus in ontogenesis H. Brichová, P. Jiroutek, P. Šída, T. Zima, Prague |
25. | Interactions between axial- and limb-based spinal swimming networks during amphibian metamorphosis. A. Rauscent, J. Einum, M.-J. Cabirol-Pol, D. Le Ray, J. Simmers and D. Combes, Bordeaux |
26. | Implication of brainstem descending command pathways in the coordination between developing spinal networks - in vivo study in Xenopus laevis. D. Le Ray, K. Deramchia, M.-J. Cabirol-Pol, D. Combes and J. Simmers, Bordeaux |
27. | Loss of presynaptic electron-dense projections and reduction of vesicle release probability after eliminating the Drosophila active zone component Bruchpilot C. Wichmann, W. Fouquet, R. Kittel, T. Rasse, D. Wagh, E. Buchner, M. Heckmann and S. J. Sigrist, Göttingen and Würzburg |
28. | Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of neurospheres J. Karbanová, J. Mokrý, P. Dubový, T. Soukup, J. Österreicher, Hradec Králové and Brno |
29. | Mapping the connections of the tail of the rat ventral tegmental area J. Kaufling, S. Pawlowsky, A. Charlet, P. Veinante, M. J. Freund-Mercier and M. Barrot, Strasbourg. |
30. | Cerebellar graft survival in Lurcher mutant mice derived from two strains J. Cendelín, I. Korelusová, F. Vožeh, Plzeň |
31. | Brain functional-morphological consequences of retinal degeneration in C3H Lurcher mutant mice F. Vožeh, J. Voller, J. Cendelín, Plzeň |
32. | Development of light sensitivity of clock genes Per1 and Per2 within the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus K. Laurinová, R. El-Hennamy, Z. Kováčiková, M. Sládek, Z. Bendová, A. Sumová, Prague |
33. | Circadian clockwork in peripheral tissues during development M. Sládek and A. Sumová, Prague |
34. | Distribution of calbindin- D28K and S100 in the auditory system of the developing mouse D. Buckiová and J. Syka, Prague |
35. | Effects of activation of the efferent medial olivocochlear system on distortion products otoacoustic emissions in guinea pigs. J. Popelář, J. Syka, Prague |
36. | Effect of muscimol-induced inactivation of the auditory cortex on time resolution in the rat N. Rybalko, J. Syka, Prague |
37. | Single unit responses to a natural and a temporally and spectrally altered guinea pig vocalization D. Šuta, J. Popelář and J. Syka, Prague |
38. | The effect of electrical stimulation of the auditory cortex on neuronal activity in the medial geniculate body of the rat R. Moucha, J. Popelář, D. Šuta, M. P. Kilgard, J. Syka, Dallas and Prague |
39. | Changes in the distribution of calcium binding proteins during aging in the auditory cortex of two rat strains. L. Ouda and J. Syka, Prague |
40. | Prefrontal depth-recorded potentials during processing a salient auditory stimulus in humans M. Kukleta, P. Buser, B. Turak, J. Louvel, Brno |
41. | Smooth pursuit eye movements analysis-based assessment of suprasegmental effects of selective posterior rhizotomy R. Černý, D. Hořínek, D. Hoza, D. Šturm, J. Stoklasa, J. Hozman, Prague and Kladno |
42. | Cortico-muscular coupling during isometric left and right hand muscle contractions is influenced by hand dominance R. Rachmanová, J. Mlynář, R. Bortel, H. Poláček, A. Stančák, Prague |
43. | Neuronal reactivity in cerebral cortex is influenced by carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis. S. Ostrý, L. Stejskal, F. Kramář, M. Mohapl, D. Netuka, V. Beneš, Prague |
44. | Cortical involvement in focal hand dystonia P. Havránková, R. Jech, N. Walker, G. Operto, P. Dusek, J. Vymazal, Prague and Marseille |
45. | Depression, motor and cognitive impairment in Huntington´s disease J. Klempíř, N. Špačková, O. Nováková, R. Jech, J. Roth, Prague |
46. | A Family-based sssociation study of the restless legs syndrome on chromosomes 9p and 14q in the european population D. Kemlink, T. Meitinger, B. Müller-Myhsok, J. Winkelmann, K. Šonka, S. Nevšímalová, Prague |
47. | Lateralization of nitric oxide mediator system in the hippocampus of patients with Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia Z. Krištofiková, I. Kozmiková, P. Hovorková, J. Říčný, P. Zach, E. Majer, P. Selinger and D. Řípová, Prague |
48. | Cognitive changes correlate with cerebral atrophy in patients with Alzheimer´s disease D. Hořínek, J. Hort, P. Petrovický, J. Bureš, M. Vyhnálek, J. Laczo, A. Varjassyová, D. Lodinská, K. Bechyně, M. Bojar, Prague |
Monday, 21st November, Poster Session 2 | |
49. | Molecular mechanisms of cytoskeletal alterations in tauopathies and meningitis A. I. Iliev and F. S. Wouters, Göttingen |
50. | The cellular growth is mediated by the segregation and aggregation of lipid rafts M. O. Ruonala and F. S. Wouters, Göttingen |
51. | Oxidizing reagent copper-o-phenanthroline is an open channel blocker of the vanilloid receptor TRPV1 K. Toušová, L. Vyklický, K. Sušánková, J. Teisinger, V. Vlachová, Prague |
52. | Functional characterization of temperature-gated ion channels using an improved technique for rapid heating and cooling of superfusing solutions in patch-clamp experiments J. Benedikt, I. Dittert, L.Vyklický, V. Vlachová, Prague |
53. | Mapping of the pore structure of the vanilloid receptor channel TRPV1 K. Sušánková, J. Teisinger, L. Vyklický, F. Viana, R. Ettrich, V. Vlachová, Prague, Alicante and Nové Hrady |
54. | Evidence for a single heptahelical domain being turned on upon activation of a dimeric GPCR V. Hlaváčková, C. Goudet, A. Ziková, L. Prezeau, J.P. Pin, J. Blahoš, Prague and Montpellier |
55. | Molecular modeling of the ligand binding site of human MT2 melatonin receptor. K. Berka, P. Mazna, T. Obšil and J. Teisinger, Prague |
56. | Role of the C-terminal part of forkhead domain of transcription factor FoxO4 in DNA binding. E. Boura and T. Obšil, Prague |
57. | Molecular mechanism of 14-3-3zeta protein inhibition through phosphorylation of Thr232. J. Šilhán and T. Obšil, Prague |
58. | Rab3a and Rabphilin3a control low Ca2+-affinity vesicle fusion in mouse pituitary cells S. Sedej, O. M. Schlüter, M. Rupnik , Göttingen and Palo Alto |
59. | The role of conserved tyrosine in TM1 of P2X receptors in kinetics of channel deactivation M. Jindřichová, J. Teisinger, H. Zemková, Prague |
60. | Ivermectin binding site at rat purinergic P2X4 receptor: the role of the first transmembrane domain I. Jelínková, Z. Yan, J. Teisinger, T. Obšil, S. S. Stojilkovic and H. Zemková, Prague and Bethesda |
61. | Arg423, Glu472 and Pro489; another residues supporting the structure of ATP-binding site of the Na+/K+ -ATPase Z. Lánský, M. Kubala, R. Ettrich, M. Kutý, J. Plášek, J. Teisinger, E. Amler Prague and Nové Hrady |
62. | Conformational changes of the Na+/K+-ATPase large cytoplasmic loop induced by the nucleotide binding L. Šimunová, M. Kubala, Z. Lánský, J. Teisinger and E. Amler, Prague |
63. | Pharmacological properties of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α3ß4 expressed in COS cell line. J. Lindovský, M. Kaniaková, J. Krůšek, F. Vyskočil, Prague |
64. | The inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase as modulators of NACHR desensitisation L. Svobodová, J. Krůšek and F. Vyskočil, Prague |
65. | Relative quantification of mRNA for CREB, oxytocin, and CRF from rat brain in the Real-Time PCR S. Hynie, P. Šída, O. Šerý, R. Pitelová, J. Lochman, H. Konečná, V. Klenerová, Prague and Brno |
66. | Rat strain differences in the expression of c-fos following two types of acute immobilization stress V. Klenerová, A. Armario, L. Trnečková, S. Hynie, Prague and Barcelona |
67. | Silencing CTL1 mRNA decreases choline transport and cell growth in NG108-15 cells. E. Machová, P. Michal, V. Lisá and V. Doležal, Prague |
68. | Dominant portion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor is excluded from lipid domains. Detergent-resistant and detergent-sensitive pools of TRH receptor and Gqalpha/G11alpha protein V. Rudajev, J. Novotný, L. Hejnová, G. Milligan and P. Svoboda, Prague |
69. | Increased baclofen-stimulated G protein coupling and deactivation in the course of brain development J. Stöhr, L. Bouřová, J. Novotný and P. Svoboda, Prague |
70. | Functional interactions between the alpha1b-adrenoceptor and Galpha11 are compromised by de-palmitoylation of the G protein but not of the receptor J. Novotný, D. Durchanková, R. J. Ward, J. J. Carrillo, P. Svoboda and G. Milligan, Prague and Glasgow |
71. | Imaging synaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis in cerebellar mossy fiber synaptosomes from SynaptopHluorin transgenic mice. P. Linares-Clemente, P. García-Junco-Clemente, C. O. Pintado, F. Schmitz and R. Fernández-Chacón, Seville and Homburg |
72. | Subunit composition of glycine receptors in the rat MNTB. J. Trojanová, B. Hrušková and R. Tureček, Prague |
73. | Changes in functional status of the release sites during synaptic depression and PTP F. Doussau, Y. Humeau and B. Poulain, Strasbourg |
74. | Using telemetry in animal pain studies: description of the method R. Rokyta, M. Franěk, Š. Vaculín, Prague |
75. | The effect of cross-fostering on nociception in prenatally stressed and methamphetamine-treated rats A. Yamamotová, R. Šlamberová, Prague |
76. | In vitro model of central sensitization D. Sojka, J. Paleček, Prague |
77. | The role of calcium binding proteins in sensitization of STT neurons D. Špicarová, A. Vadaszová, G. Zacharová and J. Paleček, Prague |
78. | Modulation of synaptic AMPA currents in the dorsal horn spinal cord neurons by insulin. D. Špicarová and J. Paleček, Prague |
79. | Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) localization using direct spinal cord stimulation can improve results of the DREZ thermocoagulation procedure for intractable pain relief R. Tomáš, P. Haninec, Prague |
80. | Heat pain stimulation of ipsi- and contralateral leg attenuates cortical potentials evoked by tibial nerve stimulation. H. Poláček, J. Vrána, A. Stančák, Prague |
81. | Sciatic nerve cuffing in mice as chronic pain model M. W. Benbouzid, E. Waltisperger, V. Pallage, C. Mathieu, P. Poisbeau, Marie-José Freund-Mercier and M. Barrot, Strasbourg |
82. | Immunofluorescence staining for inflammation-related molecules in the dorsal root ganglia of rat experimental models of peripheral neuropathic pain K. Pejchalová, P. Dubový, R. Jančálek, I. Klusáková, I. Svíženská, Brno |
83. | Influence of hypoxic preconditioning or melatonin application on development of cortical photothrombotic ischemic lesion. I. Matějovská, K. Bernášková, J.Mareš, D. Krýsl, Prague |
84. | Pretreatment by glutathione improves learning in water maze after epileptic seizure elicited by flurothyl. J. Mareš, M. Pometlová, R. Rokyta, J. Pokorný, Prague |
85. | Methamphetamine exposure during prenatal and preweaning periods affects two generations of rats M. Pometlová, R. Šlamberová, R. Rokyta, Prague |
86. | Changes in somatosensory evoked cortical potentials during development of cortical photothrombotic ischemic lesion. L. Tůma, J. Mareš, D. Krýsl, Prague |
87. | Acute electroencephalographic and morphological changes induced by intrahippocampal injection of Endothelin-1 in immature rats A. Mátéffyová, G. Tsenov, J. Otáhal, P. Mareš, H. Kubová, Prague |
88. | The neurosteroid allopregnanolone affects sensorimotor performance in immature rats A. Mikulecká, P. Mareš, Prague |
89. | Comparison of anticonvulsant effects of competitive non-NMDA and noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in adult rats D. Lojková, D. Živanovič, P. Mareš, Prague and Belgrade |
90. | Effects of lamotrigine and valproate on cortical epileptic afterdischarges in rats G. Tsenov, P. Mareš, Prague |
91. | On interpretations of random spike sequences S. Koyama, Kyoto |
92. | Dynamic paradigm for neuronal coding in simple neuronal systems L. Andrey, Prague |
93. | Optimal signal estimation in neuronal models P. Lánský, P. E. Greenwood, Prague and Tempe, USA |
94. | Estimation of differential entropy for positive random variables and its application in computational neuroscience D. Hampel, P. Lánský, Prague |
95. | Variability and randomness in stationary neuronal activity L. Košťál, P. Lánský, Prague |
96. | The parameters of the stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model J. He, P. Šanda, P. Lánský, Hong Kong and Prague |