- Mgr. Jiří Brabec, Ph.D. (Department of Theoretical Chemistry)
- Mgr. Marek Cebecauer, Ph.D. (Coordinator for the participation of the Institute in EU framework programmes and EU structural programmes/Department of Biophysical Chemistry)
- Mgr.Kseniya Dryahina, Ph.D. (Department of Chemistry of Ions in Gaseous Phase)
- RNDr. Martin Ferus, Ph.D. (Head of the Department/Department of Spectroscopy)
- Ing. Marie Fryčová, Ph.D. (Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis)
- Mgr.Michal Horáček, Ph.D. (Deputy Head/Department of Molecular Electrochemistry and Catalysis)
- RNDr. Jan Hrušák, CSc. (Department of Theoretical Chemistry)
- Mgr. Piotr Jurkiewicz, Ph.D. (Department of Biophysical Chemistry)
- Antonín Knížek (Department of Spectroscopy)
- Mgr. Jaroslav Kočišek, Ph.D. (Department of Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters)
- František Kuneš (Head of the Department/Technical department)
- RNDr. Jan Langmaier, CSc. (Department of Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale)
- RNDr. Magdalena Michlová, Ph.D. (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Dr. Ing. Kateřina Minhová Macounová (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Ing. Zuzana Musilová, Ph.D. (HRS4R Organisation Administrator/Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Navrátil (Department of Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale)
- Mgr. Ludmila Šimková, Ph.D. (Department of Molecular Electrochemistry and Catalysis)
- Ing. Blanka Sirová (Administration department)
- Ing. Květoslava Stejskalová, CSc. (Secretary of Vice-director for Education/Management)
- Karel Štys (Technical department)
- RNDr. Hana Tarábková, Ph.D. (Department of Electrochemical Materials)
- Dis. Lenka Valášková (Administration department)
- Veronika Valášková (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Ing. Zita Zajačková (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Mgr. Markéta Zapletalová (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Mgr. Veronika Zelenková, Ph.D. (Secretary of Vice-director for Science/Department of Low-dimensional Systems)
- Žilková Naděžda (Department of Low-dimensional Systems)