
Project of excellence in the field of neuroscience (2012-2018)

Project aims

Neurodegenerative disorders are common in the aging population, but also in young adults, and have become a serious socio-economic problem. These etiologically heterogenous diseases lead to severe cognitive, motor and sensory deficiencies. The proposal aims to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of these diseases, from the genetic up to the system level. The project will enable the creation of a network of high level scientific teams and thus promote an inter-disciplinary approach that would otherwise not be feasible based on individual projects of any single partner. Using a broad battery of methods, the mechanisms involved in regulating gene expression, membrane receptor function, inter-cellular communication, extra-cellular space modulation, and glia function will be investigated. As the research will be aimed at understanding basic processes, the output will lead to innovative and effective treatments of the diseases, e.g. using neuroactive steroids, stem cells etc. The project will also provide a unique basis for PhD training in neuroscience.




Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i., MUDr. Ladislav Vyklicky, Dr.Sc.
Prague Psychiatric Center, RNDr. Daniela Ripova, CSc.
Charles University in Prague - 2nd Faculty of Medicine Ing. Miroslava Anderova, CSc.
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the ASCR, v. v. i., prof. MUDr. Josef Syka, DrSc.



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