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Staff of Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods
Jan Vacík, CSc., PhD.


2.11.1953, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic

Education and specialization:

1978:   Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Specialization - experimental nuclear physics

Work experiences:

1980 - 1998:   Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI), Řež near Prague
1984  -   (2 months) JINR, Dubna, UdSSR
1993  -  (3 months) Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin (DAAD)
1997  -   (2 months) National Institute for Materials and Chemical Research Tsukuba (STA)
1998 - 2001:   (3 years) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Takasaki (JAERI)
2002  -   (4 months) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Takasaki (JSPS)

Research activities:

1) Applications of nuclear analytical methods in interdisciplinary research.
2) Study of metal-oxide and metal-fullerene systems, spontaneous self-organization and advanced structural and functional materials phenomena

Recent publications:

    About 250 papers in peer-review journals and proceedings of international conferences.
    From the list of the recent publications:
  1. D. Fink, M. Mueller,Y. Nakao, K. Hirata, Y. Kobayashi, M. Behar, J. R. Kaschny, J. Vacik, V. Hnatowicz, Ion-induced redistribution of palladium in polymethylmetacrylate, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B166-167 (2000) 610.
  2. V. Hnatowicz, V. Perina, V. Havranek, V. Vosecek, J. Novotny, J. Vacik, V. Svorcik, V. Rybka, A. Kluge, Degradation of polyimide and polyethyleneterephalate irradiated with 150 and 200 keV Ar ions, studied by RBS and ERD techniques, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B161-163 (2000) 1099.
  3. K. Proskova, V. Svorcik, V. Rybka, V. Hnatowicz, Selected degradation reactions in polyethylene irradiated with Ar and Xe ions, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58 (2000) 153.
  4. V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacík, D. Fink, R. Klett, Rare-gas implantation and Damage of fullerene at high fluence, Fullerene Science and Technology 8(4&5) (2000) 279.
  5. V. Svorcik, O. Ekrt, V. Rybka, J. Liptak and V. Hnatowicz, Permittivity of polyethylene and polyethyleneterephtalate, Journal of Materials Science Letters 19(2000) 1843.
  6. V. Svorcik, V. Hnatowicz, P. Stopka, L. Bacakova, J. Heitz, R. Oeschner and H. Ryssel, Amino acids grafting of Ar ions modified PE, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 60 (2001) 89.
  7. V. Svorcik, J. Kralova, V. Rybka, J. Plesek, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, Temperature dependence of the permittivity of polymer composites, Journal of Polymer Science B, Polymer Physics, 39 (2001) 831.
  8. J. Vacik, H. Naramoto, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, I. Peka and D. Fink, Absorption of molten fluoride salts in glassy carbon, pyrographite and Hastelloy B, Journal of Nuclear Materials 289 (2001) 308.
  9. V. Hnatowicz, V. Perina, A. Mackova, V. Svorcik, V. Rybka, D. Fink, J. Heitz, Degradation of polyimide by 100 keV He+, Ne+, Ar+ and Kr+ ions, Nucl Instrum Meth B 175 (2001) 437.
  10. V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacik, V. Svorcik, V. Rybka, H. Ryssel, A. Kluge, Emission of volatile degradation products from polymers irradiated with heavy ions to different fluences, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 155 (2001) 195.