RNDr. Tomáš Vanìk, CSc.
head of laboratory, senior scientist
Born: 17.08.1951
1986 - 1991 |
Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science, Anatomy and
Plant Physiology
Ph.D. thesis entitled: Production and biotransformation of
selected compounds by plant tissue cultures of higher plants
Qualification degree: Ph.D.
1988 |
Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science
Qualification degree: RNDr. (doctor of natural sciences)
1978 - 1986 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences in Prague, Department of Natural Products
Subject of study: isolation
and structure elucidation of natural products, plant tissue cultures,
especially their use (of both free and immobilized) for the production and
biotransformation of secondary metabolites and synthetic compounds.
1976 - 1978 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences in Prague, Department of Organic Synthesis
Subject of study: synthesis of C-analogues of nucleosides
1969 - 1975 |
Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science, Organic Chemistry
Diploma thesis entitled: Kinetic and thermodynamic factors
influencing the epimerization in position C of lupan skeleton
Qualification degree: M.Sc.
2006 -
2012 |
Cevro Institute, School of political studies
Diploma thesis entitled: Environmetalism and Green Parties
Qualification degree: M.Sc.
Professional experience:
from 2007 |
Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Position: research assistant, deputy head of department
Work activity: remediation and accumulation of xenobiotics,
biotransformation of organic compounds, uptake and distribution of
radionuclides and heavy metals in plants, plant tissue culture, peroxidases, plant
stress response
from 2004 |
Jejijang University, Hangzhou, China
Position: visiting profesor
1993 - 2006 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR,
Prague Department of Plant Tissue Cultures
Position: head of the department
Work activity: isolation and identification
biologically active compounds from plants and plant tissue cultures,production
and biotransformation of biologically active compounds in plant tissue
cultures (e.g. taxol), utilization of plant cell cultures in
phytoremediation studies, phytoremediation.
1992 - 1993 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR,
Prague Department of Natural Products.
Position: senior scientist
Work activity: production and
biotransformation of biologically active compounds in plant tissue cultures,
environmental studies
1991 - 1992 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and
Biochemistry AS CR, Prague, Department of Natural Products
Position: scientist.
Work activity: production and
biotransformation of biologically active compounds in plant tissue cultures
1986 - 1991 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and
Biochemistry AS CR, Prague, Department of Natural Products
Position: PhD. student
Work activity: production and
biotransformation of biologically active compounds in plant tissue cultures
1978 - 1986 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and
Biochemistry AS CR, Prague, Department of Natural Products
Position: research asistent
Work activity: utilization of enzymes in
organic synthesis, isolation of natural compounds
1976 - 1978 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and
Biochemistry AS CR, Prague, Department of Organic Synthesis
Position: research asistent
Work activity: synthesis of C-nucleosides
Membership in International Organizations:
- "Society for Medical Plant Research"
- "The American Society of Pharmacognosy"
- "The Phytochemical Society of Europe"
- "The American Chemical Society"
- "Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry"
- "Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry"
- Member of Board of Directors of “International Society for Phytotechnologies"
- Member of Editorial Board of "International Journal of Phytoremediation"
International Cooperation:
- Member the of Board of The European Plant Science Organization (EPSO) 2013-
- Representative of Czech Republic in EPSO 2007-
Research programmes participation:
- Vice-chair of Czech Grant Agency evaluation panel P503 – food sciences, ecotoxicology, environment (2011-2013)
- Member of “Board of COST programme of the Czech republic”
- Member of board committee “Chemistry” of the Grant agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (2006-2008)
- Member of „Technicall Committee for Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food Sciences” 1999-2007
- Expert of the Czech Republic in the Domain Committee for Agriculture and Food Sciences 2007 -
- Delegate of the Czech Republic in Management Committee COST 843, 926, 859, 636, FA0804, FA0901, FP0901, FP0903, FA0905, FA100,3 ES1205, ES1307 and ES1403
- Vice-chairman of COST 837 (1998-2003) and 859 (2004 – 2009)
- EU research programmes:
- Life Sciences panel member - 1995 - 1998
- Life Sciences panel member, Mid-Term review expert, Independent observer, Human Capital and Mobility Programme - 2000/2001 monitoring
- Member of expert panel for IP LSH-2005-1.2.5-2: Post-genomic approaches exploiting aquatic molecular biodiversity for biomedical applications evaluation (2006)
- Member of CREST Expert group “Fiscal measures for research“ (2003/2004)
- Member of CREST Expert group „Encourage the reform of public research centres and universities in particular to promote the transfer of knowledge to society and industry” (2005/2006)
- Independent observer, Framework 7
- H2020 Evaluation: SC5-10b-2014 “Structuring research on soil, land-use and land management in Europe” 2014 -
Research advisory boards:
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Czech Ministry for Environment
- Member of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic committee for cooperation with Universities 2013-2017
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Institute of Crop Sciences
Cooperation with industry:
- Head of the Steering Committee of the Czech National Technology Platform “Plants for the Future”
- Centre for Applied Research Dobris, Czech Republic, member of Advisory Board
National activities:
- Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
- Vice-chairman of Environment and Agriculture Advisory Committee of Central
Bohemia Region 2012 –
- Member of supervisory board of “Czech Association of Scientific and Technical
Societies” 2010-
- Vice-chairman of Advisory Committee for International Affairs of Central Bohemia
Region (2009 – 2012)
- Member of Environment and Agriculture Advisory Committee of Central
Bohemia Region (2004-2009)
- Member of the board of “Czech Biotechnology Society” and editor-in chief of its
bulletin “Bioprospect” 1991-2005
- Author of more than 120 scientific papers, 14 patent applications, 1 book, 6 book
chapters, 173 posters and 85 international lectures.