Novel approach to evaluate central autonomic regulation in attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Review) N. Sekaninova, M.
Mestanik, A. Mestanikova, A.Hamrakova, I. Tonhajzerova (Dpt Physiol, Comenius
Univ. Bratislava, Jessenius Fac. Med. Martin, Slovak Republic)
Pre-press article
Intraventricular placement of a spring expander does not attenuate cardiac
atrophy of the healthy heart induced by unloading via heterotopic heart
transplantation. M. Pokorný, I. Mrázová, H. Kubátová, J. Piťha, J. Malý, J.
Pirk, H. Maxová, V. Melenovský, J. Šochman, J. Sadowski, L. Červenka, Z. Čermák,
K. Volenec, I. Netuka (Center Exp. Med., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech
Republic) Pre-press article
Electrode movement prevention – an animal model.
V. Masopust, I. Petríková, M.
Mlček, J. Holubová,R. Rokyta, J. Fricová, K. Janoušková (Dept. neurosurg.
neurooncol, Prague, Czech Republic) Pre-press article
Different patterns of endocytosis in cochlear inner and outer hair cells of
mice. SiJun Li, ShuKui Yu, TongHui Ding, AiHui Yan, Yue Qi, ShuSheng Gong,
SiQuan Tang, Ke Liu (Dept. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated
Hosp. North Sichuan Med. Coll., Nanchong, Sichuan, China)
Pre-press article
Sclerostin levels predict cardiovascular mortality in long-term hemodialysis
patients: A prospective observational cohort study. M. Kalousová, S.
Dusilová-Sulková, A. A. Kuběna, O. Zakiyanov,V. Tesař, T. Zima (Inst. Med.
Biochem. Lab. Diagnost., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. Gen. Univ. Hosp. Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic) Pre-press article
To the approximate size of the nuclear
region occupied by nucleolar bodies during cell differentiation and
maturation using the human leukemic granulocytic lineage as a
convenient model. K. Smetana, H. Klamová, D.
Mikulenková (Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague,
Czech Republic) Pre-press article
Factors responsible for cerebral hypoxia in hemodialysis
population. A. Valerianova, J. Lachmanova, L. Kovarova,
T. Kmentova, M. Bartkova, J. Malik (Third Dept. Intern. Med., First
Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and General Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech
Pre-press article
Cyclic hydrostatic compress force regulates apoptosis of
meniscus fibrochondrocytes via integrin α5β1. Y. Zhang,
F. Wang, L. Bao, J. Li, Z. Shi, J. Wang (Dept. orthopaed. surgery,
Nanfang Hosp., Southern Med. Univ., Guangzhou Guangdong, China,
Dept. orthopaed. Surg., First Hosp. Ka Shi, Kashi Xinjiang, China)
Pre-press article
Sex-linked differences in the mortality in Ren-2 transgenic
hypertensive rats with aorto-caval fistula: effects of treatment
with angiotensin converting enzyme alone and combined with inhibitor
of soluble epoxide hydrolase. P. Kala, L. Červenka, P.
Škaroupková, M. Táborský, E. Kompanowska-Jezierska, J. Sadowski
(Dept. Cardiol., Univ. Hosp. Motol, Sec. Fac. Med., Charles Univ.,
Prague, Czech Republic)
Pre-press article
MicroRNAs as potential markers of parenteral nutrition associated liver
disease in adult patients. (Short Com.) M. Cahová, H. Daňkova, M. Heczková, M. Brátová, N.
Ďásková, H. Baštová, J. Gojda, P. Wohl (Center Exp. Med., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med.,
Prague, Czech Republic) Pre-press article
Chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 regulates lung
endothelial barrier permeability during resuscitation from
hemorrhagic shock. F. S. Babu, H. M. LaPorte, S. P.
Nassoiy, M. Majetschak (Dept. Molecul. Pharmacol. Physiol., Univ.
South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA)
Pre-press article
Clinical and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy characterization of
patients with critical limb ischemia before and after autologous cell therapy.
M. Dubský, P. Šedivý, A. Němcová, M. Drobný, J. Hazdrová,V. Fejfarová, R. Bém,
A. Jirkovská, M. Dezortová, M. Hájek (Diabet. Centre, Inst. Clin. Exp. Med.,
Prague, Czech Republic) Pre-press article
The influence of purification of carp collagen used in a novel
composite graft with sandwich construction of the wall on its
biological properties and graft patency rates. P.
Mitas, T. Grus, L. Lambert, M. Mlcek, H. Chlup, E. Honsova, M.
Dohnalova, T. Suchy, A. Burgetova, J. Lindner, M. Spacek (Sec. Dept.
Surg., Dept. Cardiovasc. Surgery, First Fac. Med., Charles Univ.,
General Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)
Pre-press article
Role of oxidative stress, adiponectin and endoglin in the
pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction in diabetic and non-diabetic
men. B. Trebatický, I. Žitňanová, M. Dvořáková, Z.
Országhová, Z. Paduchová, Z. Ďuračková, J. Breza, J. Muchová (Dept.
Urology, Fac. Med., Comenius Univ., Univ. Hosp. Bratislava,
Slovakia) Pre-press article
Voluntary exercise may activate components of pro-survival
risk pathway in the rat heart and potentially modify cell
proliferation in the myocardium. L. Lonek, A. Puhova,
L. Griecsova-Kindernay, S. P. Patel, V. Zohdi, D. Jezova, T.
Ravingerova (Inst. Heart Res., Centre Exp. Med., Slovak Acad. Sci.,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Pre-press article
Two types of high inductive electromagnetic stimulation and
their different effects on endothelial cells. J. Průcha,
J. Skopalik, V. Socha, L. Hanáková, L. Knopfová, K. Hána (Dept.
Inform. Comm. Technol. in Med., Fac. Biomed. Engineering, Czech
Tech. Univ. Prague, Czech Republic)
Pre-press article
GFP Transgenic Animals in Biomedical Research: A Review of
Potential Disadvantages (Invited Review) N. Lipták, Z.
BŐsze, L. Hiripi (NARIC-Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, Animal
Biotechnology Department, Gödöllő, Hungary)
Pre-press article
Assessment of the effective impact of bisphenols on
mitochondrial activity and steroidogenesis in a dose-dependency in mice TM3
Leydig cells. T. Jambor, E. Kovacikova, H. Greifova,
A. Kovacik, L. Libova, N. Lukac (Dept.
Animal Physiol, Fac. Biotechnol. Food Sci., Slovak Univ. Agriculture in Nitra,
Nitra, Slovak Republic)
Pre-press article
This number will be issued in August 2019