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Staff of Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods

RNDr. Anna Macková, PhD.


9.7. 1973, Most, Czech Republic

→Homepage at University of J.E.Purkynje

Education and specialization:

1991-1996:  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University 1996,
Specialization - Nuclear models, Microscopic description of the atomic nuclei

PhD. September 2000, RNDr. January 2000,
Thesis: Microscopic description of the collective degrees of freedom of atomic nuclei

Work experiences:

1996-1999:  Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague
Experience: Microscopic description of atomic nuclei

1999   -  Research scientist, Neutron Physics Department of Nuclear Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Rez near Prague
Experience: High-energy ion beam analysis of solid surface, material research (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, Elastic Recoil Analysis, RBS-channeling, polymer modification study).

2001  -  Research assistant, University of J.E. Purkyne in Usti nad Labem
Experience: Plasma deposited thin oxide films - study of composition and structure, complementary study of prepared samples by RBS and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)
Provided lectures - Introduction in Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Practical of the Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Application of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics seminar, Introduction into theory of measurement and statistics

2002  -  Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague
Invited lectures in the frame of the course Application of Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Analytical methods

2002 - 3 months stay in Forschungzentrum Rossendorf - The measurement of the crystalline optical materials in the frame of the project GAČR 102/01/D069 - "The analysis of progressive materials by nuclear analytical techniques". The project is focused on the research and the development of the new deposition technologies for the waveguiding structures designed for the planar laser waveguides, amplifiers and converters.

2003 - 2 months stay in Forschungzentrum Rossendorf - study of laser active dopants in lithium niobate using RBS-channeling technique.

2003 - 1 months stay at Fridrich Schiller University in Jena, Institute for Solid State Physics - study of software based on MC simulations for evaluation of depth profiles defects from RBS-channeling spectra since

since 2004 - annual experiments in Forschungzentrum Rossendorf including Heavy Ion ERDA measurement, RBS-channeling measurement and XRD analysis of doped crystalline samples

2005 - expert mission of IAEA, University of Helsinki

The co-author of the monography - "Handbook of Spectroscopy", Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., KGaA, Weinheim, 2003, Editors: G. Gauglitz, T. Vo-Dinh

IAEA contract number 12702, Radiation modified synthetic polymers for applications in medicine
COST project number 527.100, Analysis of plasma polymer films by nuclear analytical methods


2003 - The award of Josef Hlávka foundation for the young excellent research scientists

Research activities:

The study of the grow, modification and structure of thin layers or multilayers used in microelectronics, optics, optoelectronics and biomedicine. Study of interaction and interface properties of polymers and metals. Systems prepared by ion implantation, ion beam mixing, ion beam assisted deposition, ion degradation, plasma deposition are studied using nuclear analytical methods (RBS, ERDA, PIXE etc.) RBS-channeling is used to study crystalline materials and host atom positions, the fundamental studies concerning stopping power of channeled ions are realized.


Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Institute of Physics, Institute of Scientific Instruments, Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics, Inst. of Physics of Materials,
Masaryk University Brno: Faculty of Science,
Technical University Brno: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Charles University Prague: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Czech Technical University Prague: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Chemical Technology Prague,
South Bohemian University, Ceske Budejovice
University of Pardubice: Faculty of Chemical Technology,
University of Helsinki, Accelerator Laboratory, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland,
Forschungzentrum Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material Research,
Fachhochshule Deggendorf, University of Regensburg, Technical University München

Other skills:

Languages - English, German and Russian

Recent publications:

  1. Characterization of Er: LiNbO3 and APE:Er:LiNbO3 by RBS-channeling and XRD techniques, A. Mackova, R. Groetzschel, F. Eichhorn, P. Nekvindova, J. Spirkova, Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (2004) 949-951.
  2. RBS and XPS study of TiOx layers prepared by PVD technique, A. Mackova, V. Perina, J. Krumeich and A. Kolouch, Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (2004) 1171-1173.
  3. Popok V N, Azarko I I, Khaibullin R I, Stepanov A L, Hnatowicz V, Mackova A, Prasalovich S V. Radiation-induced change of polyimide properties under high-fluence and high ion current density implantation, Appl. Phys. A, 78, 1067-1072, 2004.
  4. Mackova A, Perina V, Hnatowicz V, Biederman H, Slavinska D, Choukourov A. Investigation of plasma polymer and nano composite polymer films by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis analytical methods, Acta Physica Slovaca, 54 (1), 2004.
  5. Jelinek M, Klini A, Oswald J, Studnicka V, Fotakis C, Mackova A. Properties of Er-doped layers grown from Er:YAG (YAP) crystalline targets by sub-picosecond laser deposition, Laser Phys. Lett. 1, 5, 248-252, 2004.
  6. Nekvindová P., Červená J., Čapek P., Macková A., Peřina V., Schröfel J. and Špirková J. Features of APE waveguides in different Er:LiNbO3 and (Er+Yb)LiNbO3 cuts: electrooptical coefficient r33, Optical Materials, 24(3), 527-536, 2003.
  7. Nekvindová P, Macková A, Peřina V, Červená J, Čapek P, Schrőfel J, Špirková J, Oswald J. Erbium medium temperature localised doping into lithium niobate and sapphire: A comparative study, Solid State Chemistry V , Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 90-91: 559-564, 2003.
  8. Popok V N, Khaibullin R I, Bazarov V V, Valeev V F, Hnatowicz V, Mackova A, Odzhaev V B. Anomalous depth distribution of Fe and Co atoms in polyimide implanted to high fluence, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 191: 695-699, 2002.
  9. Macková A, Hnatowicz V, Peřina V, Popok V N, Khaibullin R I, Bazarov V V,Odzhaev V B.High-fluence implantation of iron into polyimide, Surface and Coatings Technology, 158-159: 395-398, 2002.
  10. Jelinek, M, Lančok, J, Pavelka, M, Atanasov P, A, Macková, A, Flory, F, Garapon, C. Optical and waveguiding properties of Nd:KGW films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Physics A, 2002, Vol. 74, pp. 481-485.