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No. 4, 2007

Table of Contents

Jan Gruber, Jan Hlina, Jiri Sonsky
Comparison of plasma torch dynamics in reconstructed phase space for different input parameters, pp.321-329

Tomas Chraska, Mariana Klementova, Jiri Hostomsky
Formation of nanocomposite alumina-zirconia-silica ceramics, pp. 331-341

Zygmunt Pitek
Magnetic pressure acting on a circular workpiece in the pulse magnetic field, pp. 343-356

Vlastimil Brozek, Viktor Sember, Milan Hrabovsky, Jan Janca, Jiri Domlatil
Photocatalysts activated by water stabilized plasma radiation, pp. 357-364

Petr Filip, Jiri David
Axial annular flow of power-law fluids - applicability of the limiting cases, pp. 365-371

Karel Volenik, Oldrich Schneeweiss, Jan Pisacka, Blahoslav Kolman, Jiri Dubsky
Composition changes of a Fe-Al alloy during plasma spraying, pp. 373-384

Pavel Ctibor, Josef Sedlacek, Karel Neufuss
Dielectric properties of plasma sprayed silicates with and without additional annealing, pp. 385-397

Pavol Spanik, Branislav Dobrucky, Michal Frivaldsky, Peter Drgona
Experimental analysis of commutation process of power transistor structures, pp. 399-413

Djemal Esaiashvili, Alexandre Akhvlediani
Application of the principle of the freedom of choice of possible displacements to the analysis of the stability of plastic systems with unilateral and bilateral links under impulsive seismic effect, pp. 415-422