Anthracocentrus rugiceps (Gahan, 1894)
[= Acanthophorus rugiceps (Gahan, 1894)]


Anthracocentrus rugiceps - female
Anthracocentrus rugiceps[Photo © M.Rejzek]

This impressive beetle is a nocturnal insect and in Iran it occurs in the Nubo-Sindian desert and semi-desert confined to the lowlands around the Persian Gulf. The species occurs also in India and Pakistan.

Body length:40 - 110 mm
Life cycle:unknown
Adults in:March - August
Host plant:unknown
Distribution:Iran, India, Pakistan

Anthracocentrus rugiceps - male
Anthracocentrus rugiceps[Photo © M.Rejzek]

Anthracocentrus rugiceps - female
Anthracocentrus rugiceps[Photo © M.Rejzek]

Subfamilia: Prioninae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Acanthophorini Thomson, 1864
Genus: Anthracocentrus Quentin & Villiers, 1983
Species: Anthracocentrus rugiceps (Gahan, 1894)