Copyright ©2009 by
P. Soudek |
Diploma thesis
Production of peroxidase by callus culture of Armoracia rusticana L. -
Radka Podlipn� (Charles University Prague, 1991), supervisor: Van�k
Optimalization of cultivation conditions of tissue culture of Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer. -
Jozef Patzak (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 1994),
consultant: Van�k
Izolation and identification of secondary metabolites of Taxus baccata L. -
Daniela Vesel� (Charles University Prague, 1994), supervisor: Van�k
Characterization of factors influencing a producion of peroxidase by horse radish culture (Armoracia rusticana L.) cultivated in vitro -
Petr Soudek (Charles University Prague, 1995), supervisor: Van�k
Biotransformation of xenobiotics by plant tissue cultures -
Michal Novotn� (Charles University Prague, 1996), supervisor: Van�k
Development of a biological process to treat industrial effluents and by-products using plant cells -
Romain Duc (Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, 1997),
consultant: Van�k
Stevioside content and distribution in plant Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni during vegetation seasson and verification of heritability of quantitative and qualitative characters -
Hana Draho�ov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 1998),
consultant: Van�k
Influence of cultivation conditions on the growth of tissue cultures of Panax ginseng C.A.Mayer. -
Petr Mar��k (Charles University Prague, 1998), supervisor: Van�k
Study of degradation of explosives by suspension cultures of higher plants -
Martin Hub�lek (Charles University Prague, 1999), supervisor: Van�k
Effect of cultivation media composition on the growth of tissue and cell culture of Taxus baccata and on taxane production by the cultures -
Irena �ilhav� (Charles University Prague, 1999), supervisor: Van�k
Accumulation of heavy metals in plants -
Ivana �pirochov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2000),
consultant: Van�k
Phytotoxicity tests of explosives and ecotoxicological monitoring -
Martina Mickov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2001),
consultant: Van�k
The study of the biotransformation of monoterpenic mixtures by in vitro cultures of higher plants. -
Marcela Dvo��kov� (Charles University Prague, 2005), supervisor: Van�k
The study of detoxication of nitrocompounds by tissue culture of Arabidopsis thaliana. -
Lucie Kab�tov� (Charles University Prague, 2005), supervisor: Van�k
New derivates of taxol - Marie P�ibylov� (Charles University Prague, 2006),
supervisor: Van�k
Study of accumulation of uranium by culture of higher plants -
Dagmar Bene�ov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006),
consultant: Van�k
Utilization of metabolomics for studying of plant response on stress induced by organic xenobiotics -
�t�p�nka Klimkov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006), consultant: Van�k
Influence of xenobiotics on rockcress (Arabidopsis thaliana) as a model plant -
Miriam Lehoczk� (Charles University Prague, 2006), supervisor: Van�k
Ph.D. thesis
Study of secondary metabolites from intact and tumour-transformed plants of the specie Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni -
Ale� Nepov�m (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 1998),
consultant: Van�k
Study of secondary metabolites in plant and tissue cultures of Codonopsis sp. -
Martina Zikmundov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 1999),
consultant: Van�k
Selected Asian plants of genus Angelica L. - cultivation
technology and use in the Czech republic -
Jolana Zl�malov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2000),
consultant: Van�k
In vitro clonal propagation and production of secondary metabolites of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer -
Lenka Langhansov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2001),
consultant: Van�k
Study of accumulation of toxic metals and radionuclides by higher plants and its potential utilization for phytoremediation -
Petr Soudek (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2004),
supervisor: Van�k
Removing of heavy metals from soil by fytoremediation method. -
Ivana Kali�ov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2004),
consultant: Van�k
Study of detoxication of nitrocompounds by plant tissue cultures -
Radka Podlipn� (Charles University Prague, 2006), supervisor: Van�k
Utilization of phytoremediation for removing of heavy metals and radionuclides from the environment -
��rka Petrov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006),
consultant: Van�k
Study of degradation mechanism of organic nitrocompounds and its practical application -
Zuzana Vav��kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006),
consultant: Van�k
Use of analytical methods for biodiversity conservation of the environment -
Jan Andrle (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2011), consultant: Van�k
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of quinones, terpenoids and their derivatives �
Marie P�ibylov� (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2013),
supervisor: Van�k
The synthesis of stable O-acetyl-adenosine diphosphoribose analogs and inhibitors of sirtuins -
Marcela Dvo��kov� (Faculty of sciences, Charles University in Prague, 2013),
supervisor: Van�k
Supervised by Radka Podlipn� |
Bachelor thesis
Problems of explosives in the environment - Jana Klinkovsk� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2007),
bachelor thesis
Transgenic plants in phytoremediation of organic compounds -
Kate�ina Mo�kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2008)
consultant: Podlipn�
Phytoremediation technology in remediation of industrial waste water -
Eli�ka Nachlingerov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2009),
consultant: Podlipn�
Improving of phytoremediation plant skills by genetic modification -
Veronika Jarcovj�kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2012),
consultant: Podlipn�
Diploma thesis
The study of detoxication of nitrocompounds by tissue culture of Arabidopsis Thaliana -
Lucie Kab�tov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2005), consultant: Podlipn�
Study of changes in metabolism of xenobiotics by different varieties of flax -
Jan Hartinger (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2008), consultant: Podlipn�
Accumulation and degradation of nitroamines in plant tissue -
Petra ��dlov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2009), consultant: Podlipn�
Transgenic plants in phytoremediation of organic compounds -
Kate�ina Mo�kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2010),
consultant: Podlipn�
Phytoremediation of nitroesters -
Zuzana �kubn�kov� (University of Hradec Kr�lov�, 2010), consultant: Podlipn�
Phytoremediation technology in remediation of waste water from production of explosives -
Eli�ka Nachlingerov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2011),
consultant: Podlipn�
The proteomic study of abiotic stress of plants -
Kamila Barab�ov� (Charles University Prague, 2011), supervisor: Podlipn�
Biotransformation of flubendazole and albendazole in plant cells -
Helena Seidlov� (Charles University Prague, 2013), consultant: Podlipn�
Accumulation of heavy metals by genetically modified cultures of tobacco -
Veronika Jarkovj�cov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2014),
consultant: Podlipn�
Environmental risk of nanoparticles - Magdal�na P�chov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2015), consultant: Podlipn�
Metabolism of anthelmintics in plants - Franti�ek Pavl�k (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2016), consultant: Podlipn�
Effect of nanoparticles on plant proteome - Lenka Mat�jkov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2017), consultant: Podlipn�
Effect of anthelmintics on plant proteome - Barbora Kadlecov�
(Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2017), consultant: Podlipn�
Effect of anthelminthics on activity of selected biotransformation enzymes
- Mark�ta Hanul�kov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2018), consultant: Podlipn�
Modulation of expression and activity of selected plant detoxifying enzymes by anthelmintics
- Patr�cia Gra��kov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2019), consultant: Podlipn�
Ph.D. thesis
Cytostatik drugs in environment, methods for remediation -
Petra ��dlov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2010), consultant: Podlipn�
Phytoremediation of nitroesters. Toxicity of dinitrotoluen and plant proteome changes -
Blanka Posp�ilov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2014), consultant: Podlipn�
Anthelmintics in Plants � Uptake, Biotransformation and Transcriptional Response -
Eli�ka Syslov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2019), consultant: Podlipn�
Supervised by P�emysl Landa |
Bachelor thesis
Diploma thesis
In vitro production of anticancer metabolites by genus Taxus: comparison of subtropical and moderate climate species -
Kate�ina Gabanov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2007),
consultant: Landa
Anti-inflammatory activity of plant quinones �
Zs�fia Kutil (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2011),
consultant: Landa
Impact of nanoparticles on Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome -
Jana Andrlov� (Czech university of Life Sciences Prague, 2011),
consultant: Landa
Exploration of grepvine diversity based on antioxidative and antiinflammatory activity �
Darina Klu�kov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2013),
consultant: Landa
Ph.D. thesis
Determination of in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of food components -
Zs�fia Kutil (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2014),
consultant: Landa
Assessment of in vitro antioxidant and anti-proliferative properties of medicinal and edible plants �
Jan Tauchen (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2016), consultant: Landa
Supervised by Petr Soudek |
Bachelor thesis
Accumulation of heavy metals and stress response of "normal" and hyperaccumulating plants -
Luk� Sedl��ek (Charles University Prague, 2007),
supervisor: Soudek
Remediation of xenobiotics (pharmaceuticals) from municipal waste water -
Tereza �vecov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2007),
consultant: Soudek
Uranium and its decay range products in the environment -
Ond�ej Lhotsk� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2008),
consultant: Soudek
Utilization of energy crops for phytoremediation -
Katar�na Juskov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2009),
onsultant: Soudek
Phytoremediation:biochemical characteristics of heavy metal hyperacumulators -
Jana L�busov� (Charles University Prague, 2010),
consultant: Soudek
Mechanism of uptake of heavy metals and organic compounds by plants -
Petra Berkyov� (Charles University Prague, 2010),
supervisor: Soudek
Thorium in environment -
Rostislav Adam (Charles University Prague, 2010),
supervisor: Soudek
Phytoremediation: structural characteristics of plants under heavy metal effect -
Marie Otradovcov� (Charles University Prague, 2010),
consultant: Soudek
Mechanism of plants tolerance to oxidative stress -
Marina Ursu (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2010),
consultant: Soudek, Petrov�
Dust particles in the environment and their effect on plants � possibilities for use in phytoremediation -
��rka Endlerov� (Charles University Prague, 2011),
supervisor: Soudek
Radionuclide accumulation by plants cultivated under laboratory and real conditions -
Barbora Dvo��kov� (Charles University Prague, 2012), supervisor: Soudek
Faktory ovliv�uj�c� p��jem a distribuci uranu v rostlin�ch -
Daniela Krej�ov� (Charles University Prague, 2015), consultant: Soudek
Vliv mykorhizn�ch hub na fluorescenci bukov�ch sazenic rostouc�ch v podm�nk�ch zv��en� koncentrace niklu -
Milan Nov�k (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 2018),
consultant: Soudek
Diploma thesis
Use of plants removing of heavy metals. -
Monika Hrn���ov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2002),
consultant: Soudek
Removing of heavy metals by phytoremediation. -
Martina Kaletov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2002),
consultant: Soudek
Comparison of seed germination of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in the present of toxic metals using toxicity test -
Ad�la Katru��kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006),
consultant: Soudek
Toxicity tests of soils after phytoremediation -
Kl�ra Fi�erov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2007),
consultant: Soudek
Utilization of plants of Allium family for accumulation of heavy metals -
Jan Kotyza (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2007),
consultant: Soudek
Utilization of plants of onion, garlic and leek for removing of heavy metals by phytoremediation method -
Ivana Lenikusov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2007),
consultant: Soudek
Study of accumulation of toxic metals by plants from genus Allium -
Radek Mare�ek (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2008),
consultant: Soudek
Determination of accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in different part of crossbred corn after fytoremediation of contaminated soils -
Pavel Kinderman (Charles University Prague,
2008), supervisor: Soudek
Accumulation of copper and stress response of "normal" and hyperaccumulating plants -
Luk� Sedl��ek (Charles University Prague, 2009),
supervisor: Soudek
Accumulation of uranium by plants cultivated under laboratory conditions -
Martin Buzek (Charles University Prague, 2010),
supervisor: Soudek, Petrov�
Uranium accumulation by tobacco plants and study of stress responses -
Ond�ej Lhotsk� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2011),
consultant: Soudek
Using of energy crop plants for phytoremediation -
Katar�na Juskov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2011),
consultant: Soudek
Thorium accumulation and study of stress responces of plants on thorium presence -
Daniel Kufner (Charles University Prague, 2011),
supervisor: Soudek
Study of plant stress responces in presence of pharmaceuticals in cultivation medium - Jana Bystro�ov�
(Charles University Prague, 2012),
supervisor: Soudek
Study of physiological changes in plants under stress by zinc ions -
Rostislav Adam (Charles University Prague, 2012),
supervisor: Soudek
Study of accumulation of cadmium ion by energy crops -
Petra Berkyov� (Charles University Prague, 2012),
supervisor: Soudek
Effect of uranium on plant metabolism -
Jana L�busov� (Charles University Prague, 2013),
consultant: Soudek
Thorium jako environment�ln� stresov� faktor pro r�st rostlin v kontaminovan�m prost�ed� -
Aneta Hrdinov� (Charles University Prague, 2016),
consultant: Soudek
Ph.D. thesis
Accumulation of selected heavy metals by plants suitable for phytoremediation -
Dagmar Bene�ov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2011),
consultant: Soudek
Utilization of phytotechnology for removing of �new� contaminants from environment -
Jan Kotyza (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2013),
consultant: Soudek
Schopnost akumulace radionuklid� rostlinami p�irozen�ch stanovi��
Kate�ina Markov� - Mazari (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 2017),
consultant: Soudek
Supervised by ��rka Petrov� |
Bachelor thesis
Selection of suitable tests for determination of ecotoxicity of flame retardants
- Yekaterina Ten (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2017), consultant: Petrov�
The study of revitalization of brownfield areas by use of plants
Alexandra Solodovnikova (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2017), consultant: Petrov�
The impact of new micropollutants to producers
- Hana Hon��kov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2017), consultant: Petrov�
Diploma thesis
Study on ecotoxicity and bioaccumulation of sucralose
- Pavel Vrba (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2018), consultant: Petrov�
Improving soil quality by using of biochar - Yekaterina
Ten (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2019), consultant: Petrov�
Decrease of pollutants� bioavailability in soil by using of biochar
- Alexandra Solodovnikova (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague,
2019), consultant: Petrov�
Supervised by Petr Mar��k |
Diploma thesis
Metabolic profiles of bioactive components fo Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer from different herbal souces -
Anna Bac�lkov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2009), consultant: Mar��k
Biologically active substances in the genus of Rheum species used in traditional Asian medicine.
Vanda Neradilov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2011), consultant: Mar��k
Carotenoid allocation and redox homeostasis in birds -
Kate�ina Moj�i�ov� (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2013),
consultant: Mar��k
Supervised by Lenka Langhansov� |
Diploma thesis
Improvement of ginsenosides production by stress induction of Panax ginseng in vitro cultures -
Darina Fi�erov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2006),
consultant: Langhansov�
Recombinant mouse cytokine GM-CSF produced by transgenic tobacco -
Kl�ra N�me�kov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2013), consultant: Langhansov�
Elicitation of production of biologically active compounds in in vitro Panax ginseng cultures
- Eli�ka Syslov� (Charles University Hradec Kr�lov�, 2016), consultant: Langhansov�
Investigation of nutritional potential and biological activity of European fern
species - �aneta Anton�nov� (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,
2019), consultant: Langhansov�
Ph.D. thesis
Modulation of melanoma metastasis and angiogenesis by Buddleja saligna Willd. And its isolated compound
- Daniella Twilley (University of Pretoria, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciencess,
Republic of South Africa, 2018), external supervisor: Langhansov�
Supervised by Daniel Haisel |
Diploma thesis
Using of Analytical Methods for Study of Adaptation Mechanisms of Festuca Rubra L. Plant -
Michaela Pau�ov� (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, 2019), supervisor: Haisel
Supervised by CULS, elaborated in Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Ph.D. thesis
Secondary metabolites of selected Nigella species with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity -
Petr Mar��k (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2007)
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of intact plants and cell cultures of genus Nigella (selected species) -
P�emysl Landa (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2007)
Supervised by Zuzana Fialov� (former employee) |
Diploma thesis
Study of nitroesters phytoremediation -
Sylvie Braunov� (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2006),
consultant: Fialov�
Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on the proteome of Arabidopsis thaliana -
Jitka Ostr�kov� (Charles University Prague, 2009), consultant: