ssp. maculicollis Holzschuh, 1989
Subfamilia: CERAMBYCINAE / Tribus: CLYTINI
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Isotomus comptus is a broadly distributed species (Turkey, Caucasus, Iran). Its subspecies maculicollis, described by Carolus Holzschuh in 1989 [❖], however is only found in N Iran. Both the nominate form and the subspecies are highly polyphagous on deciduous trees. The limiting factor is very low moisture of the substrate. Therefore, mainly dead trees growing on S facing slopes are selected for oviposition. The species develops gregariously and in one dead trunk larvae in different instars as well as pupae and adults might be found at one time. The length of development decidedly depends on the substrate quality but in average it is 2 years. The adults are found on dead wood especially in the late afternoon.
Body length: 12 - 24 mm Life cycle: at least 2 years Adults in: June - August Host plant: polyphagous on deciduous trees (Carpinus, Castanea, Quercus, Fagus, Ulmus etc.) Distribution: an endemic subspecies to Iran
The depicted beetles were reared from a pupa collected in Carpinus in Golestan forest 45 km NE Minudast (prov. Khorasan, North Iran).Collected by M.Rejzek
Holzschuh C.:
Beschreibung neuer Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien (Cerambycidae, Col.).
Koleopterologische Rundschau, Wien 59: 153-183, 1989. [download]

[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

[Photo © M.Rejzek]

[Photo © M.Rejzek]
Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Clytini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Isotomus Mulsant, 1863
Species: Isotomus comptus (Mannerheim, 1825)
Subspecies: Isotomus comptus maculicollis Holzschuh, 1989