Timothy Childers
  • T. Childers: Philosophy and Probability. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 216 s.
  • T. Childers, O. Majer, 2010, Kondicionály [Conditionals], in Logika a přirozený jazyk [Logic and Natural Language], V. Svoboda and coll., Prague: Filosofia, 153-191
  • T. Childers, 2009, "After Dutch Books". Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning. London: College Publications London (Löwe, B., Pacuit, E.; Romeijn, J.-W., eds), 103-115.
  • Childers, Timothy, 2009 "Reply to Woolf, Plato, Smith, Churchill, and Aristotle on Democracy" Think 8(22), 93-99.
  • T. Childers, 2005, "Spor o Carnapův Aufbau: Quine vs. Friedman" ("A controversy about Carnap's Aufbau: Quine vs. Friedman"), trans. Libor Běhounek, in Schizma filosofie 20. století, eds. M. Nitsche, P. Sousedík and M. Šimsa (Prague: Filosofia), 179-194.
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, eds, 2003, The Logica Yearbook 2002 (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, eds, 2002, The Logica Yearbook 2001 (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers and V. Svoboda, 2002, "On the dynamics of prescriptions", Meaning: The Dynamic Turn, ed. J. Peregrin, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 185-199.
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, 2001, David Lewis (1941-2001), Filosofický časopis 5/49, 882-884.
  • T. Childers, 2000, ed., The Logica Yearbook 1999, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers, 2000, "Probabilities and Modal Logic" Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, ed. O. Majer, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers, 2000, "Probabilities and Possible Worlds", Reports on Philosophy 20, 25-36.
  • T. Childers, 2000, "What Kind of Arguments are Dutch Book Arguments?" Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, ed. O. Majer, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers and Jari Palomäki, 2000, eds., Between Words and Worlds: A Festschrift for Pavel Materna, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • Childers T. and O. Majer, 2000, "Má dnes smysl mluvit o logickém pojetí pravděpodobnosti?" ("Does it make sense to speak of the logical conception of probability today?"), Pravdivost ve vědě a filosofii (Filosofia, Prague).
  • T. Childers, 1999, ed., The Logica Yearbook 1998, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, 1999, "Representing Diachronic Probabilities" in Childers 1999.
  • V. Svoboda and T. Childers, 1999, "The Kinematics of Permission" in Childers 1999.
  • T. Childers, 1998, The Logica Yearbook 1997, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers, 1998, "Russell and the Foundations of Probability", The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 98, pp. 9-15.
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, 1998, "Łukasiewicz's Theory of Probability", The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy, eds. K. Kijania-Placek and J. Woleński (Dordrecht: Kluwer).
  • T. Childers, 1997, "Popper on Naturalism and the Foundations of Methodology", Foundations of Science 2, pp. 355-360.
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, 1997, "Counterfactual Probabilities: with applications", in T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, eds., 1997.
  • T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, 1997, eds. Proceedings of Logica '96, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • T. Childers and O. Majer, 1996, "The Money Pump as a Game", in Childers, Kolář and Svoboda, eds., 1996.
  • T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, eds., 1996, Proceedings of Logica '95, (Prague: Filozofia).
  • N. Cartwright, T. Childers and R. Hendry, 1996, "Feyerabend", "Lakatos", "Methodology", Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed. T. Honderich (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
    Translations (from Czech)
  • with V. Svoboda, 2004, Pavel Tichý, "On Explicating the Notion 'the Content of a Sentence'", and "Do logically true sentence have content?", Pavel Tichy's Collected Papers in Logic and Philosophy, C. Cheyne, V. Svodoba and B. Jespersen eds., (Prague: Filozofia). Abstracts for Filozofický Časopis, 2006.
    In progress
  • Philosophy and Probability, monograph, being translated in Czech, to be submitted for publication in English. An introduction to the philosophy of probability and its applications. Sample chapters available on request.
  • Philosophy and Probability, An introduction to the philosophy of probability and its applications. Under review (Submitted Oct 2009). Czech version in preparation.
  • Co-editor, special issue of the Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Interpreting Probability, expected publication Winter 2011.
  • Co-editor, special issue of Erkenntnis.
    Invited Lectures
  • "Dutch Book Arguments for Principles of Direct Inference", ESF Workshop Pluralism in the foundations of statistics, University of Kent, UK, 9-10 September 2010.
  • "Whistleblowing, Loyalty and Group Responsbility", TU Delft Philosophy Seminar, Netherlands, 1.12.2008.
  • "How to Get Just Enough Intension into Decision Theory", Agent Modeling and Cross-Disciplinary Discourse, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 25-27.1.2002.
  • "The Nature of Naturalism", Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit - Logik und Metaphysik, Regensburg University, Germany, 30.5-1.6.2002.
  • "Applying Epistemic Probabilities", Language, Logic, and Logistics: Modeling and Cross-Disciplinary Discourse, New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico, 6-8.1.2001.
  • "Russell's probabilistic epistemology", Russell and Wittgenstein, American University, Washington D.C., 25-26.3.2000.
  • "Whistleblowing, Loyalty and Group Responsbility", TU Delft Philosophy Seminar, Netherlands, 1.12.2008.
  • "How to Get Just Enough Intension into Decision Theory", Agent Modeling and Cross-Disciplinary Discourse, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 25-27.1.2002.
  • "The Nature of Naturalism", Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit - Logik und Metaphysik, Regensburg University, Germany, 30.5-1.6.2002.
  • "Applying Epistemic Probabilities", Language, Logic, and Logistics: Modeling and Cross-Disciplinary Discourse, New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico, 6-8.1.2001.
  • "Russell's probabilistic epistemology", Russell and Wittgenstein, American University, Washington D.C., 25-26.3.2000.
  • Overseas Research Studentship, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principles, 1989-1992.
  • LSE Student Fellowship, 1992-1993.
  • Faculty Service Award, University of New York in Prague, 2009.