Image life, discover the future

Euro-BioImaging is a research infrastructure that offers open access to imaging technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging. Euro-BioImaging consists of imaging facilities, called Nodes, that have opened their doors to all life science researchers.

Important: Euro-BioImaging will become fully operational in late December 2019. At that point the login functionality will be enabled. In the meantime, access to Euro-BioImaging Nodes is possible through the Interim Interim Web Access Portal.

Gateway to European biological and biomedical imaging

Euro-BioImaging’s mission is to provide you with imaging services that bridge biological and biomedical imaging and facilitate innovative and world-class research. Whatever the scale of your imaging, Euro-BioImaging will give you the tools and support to explore and answer your research questions.

Access to imaging technologies: We offer access to a range of imaging technologies to allow you image across the scales at one of our 21 Nodes, located in 9 different countries across Europe.

Expert training and support: Each Node is staffed with personnel who can provide the support required to maximise the output of your research project. Guidance is available for all aspects of the imaging pipeline, from study design to image capture. In addition, we provide access to training courses for all different levels of expertise.

Image data management: We help you store and disseminate your data and extract meaningful conclusions from your imaging.

Current activities


The registration for the 4th NEUBIAS conference in Bordeaux, Feb 29- Mar 6 February 2020, is now open.NEUBIAS brings together life-scientists, bioimage analysts, microscopists, and image analysis developers from Europe and international partners in Australia, Singapore, Brazil and the USA ( NEUBIAS is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in ...


The European Commission has officially established Euro-BioImaging as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). With its ERIC status, Euro-BioImaging is now legally recognised as a European research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging. All Euro-BioImaging services are accessible via ERIC is hosted by Finland, and the Statutory Seat of the ERIC is located in Turku, Finland. The Euro-BioImaging coordinating Hub consists in add...


On 11.07.2019, at the meeting of ESFRI Research Infrastructures in the life sciences, Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen signed a collaboration agreement to boost their joint support of the European Life Science community.In signing this agreement, Euro-BioImaging and EU-OPENSCREEN acknowledge the value and importance of their own field of expertise being embedded in a larger scope of technologies and services offered by complementary Research Infrastructures. Harmonizing user ...


Here's the latest Euro-BioImaging newsletter! Including exciting updates and opportunities from Global BioImaging, COMULIS, the BioImageArchive, our IndustryBoard and EOSC-Life. Read it here:


Since May 2016, Euro-BioImaging has enjoyed a successful interim operation; offering life scientists open access to imaging services across its 29 Nodes Candidates throughout Europe. The next step is ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) status, and this will be launched with at least 15 founding members: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland (the legal host), France, Hungary, Israel, Italy (site of the Med Hub), Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, UK and ...


With the advances in modern imaging technologies, the wealth of digital imaging data is rising exponentially. While this will lead to exciting breakthroughs, new challenges are also presenting themselves. The storage of data, its complexity and interoperability are but a few of the challenges for today’s life scientists. In response to these modern imaging trends, EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is expanding its remit to include bioimaging data. Through its new,...


On December 12th, the European Commission has published the article "Global network of research infrastructures promotes bioimaging technologies", highlighting Global BioImaging (GBI) as success story on their website. If you want to learn more about this international network of imaging infrastructures, please visit also our GBI website. Enjoy the read!...


These days, the ability to exploit and understand research data is critical for the next advances in understanding of life and disease, addressing societal challenges and strengthening the bio-economy. To ensure that European Life Science remains at the forefront of global advances and to deepen research, scientific data along with its associated digital services must be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) across scientific disciplines and national boundaries.On 1 March 2019,...


The ability to do research depends on the availability of suitable products. It is therefore essential that researchers and imaging facility staff have a clear communication line to a wide range of companies in the field to ensure that the companies understand the trends in research thereby making available suitable products. The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board (EBIB) members consist of a range of companies in the field of imaging, joined together by their recognition of the importance of working...


The Global BioImaging EoE III took place on September 14th-15th at the Charles Perkins Centre of the University of Sydney. It attracted 64 participants representing - for the third time in a row - imaging infrastructures from all contintents!The worksop succeeded in paving the way to ensure a sustainable future for the Global BioImaging network. Although the H2020 funding is coming to an end in November 2018, more EoE worshops are already planned and the network's a...


Read the latest news and updates from Euro-BioImaging in the most recent newsletter!


Following a two-year evaluation process, reviewed by a panel of independent senior experts, ESFRI - the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - has granted Euro-BioImaging the Landmark status of “European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences”.  This status is recognised by the European Commission as a benchmark for quality, recommending that Euro-BioImaging is the “go-to” Research Infrastructure to support imaging resea...


EuBI proudly announces the first showcasing of new imaging technologies during its Interim Operation. The technological innovation of imaging technologies in the life sciences is continuous and exciting. To support the imaging community and its associated high-quality research, EuBI must remain at the technological forefront.To achieve this, EuBI has established workflows to ensure that new technologies are continuously integrated by the community into the EuBI portfolio. These new technologies ...

2018-10-30 to 2018-11-04

The Global BioImaging network and Japan's ABiS (Advanced BioImaging Support) are proud to annouce the co-organization of an international training course for BioImage Analysis!The course will take place in Okinawa, Japan, on 31 Oct-04 Nov 2018 and registrations are open now. More information can be found following this link or visiting our dedicated GBI webpage....

2019-05-01 to 2019-05-02

Job shadowing is a "on-the-job" learning opportunity, thanks to which technical and managerial staff working in an imaging core facility has the opportunity to visit peers across the globe and learn from them. Essentially, imaging facility shadowing involves working with another experienced member of staff in a different facility who might have longer experience, provide open user access, operate a different set of imaging technologies, and so on.Visit the Global BioImaging Job Shadowing Webpage...

2018-09-13 to 2018-09-21

We are proud to announce that three key Global BioImaging events will take place in Sydney, Asutralia, from the 14th to the 21st of September 2018! All three events are co-hosted by our Australian partners AMMRF and NIF.    We will start on September 14th with the third "Exchange of Experience" (EoE) workshop, bringing together imaging infrastructure managers, directors, technical staff as well as scientists, opinion leaders, decision makers and ...

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