Versatile micromechanical sensor and laser photoacoustics for combined gas/liquid diagnostics
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properties of materials for sensors. The proposed detection method emphasizes physical, rather than chemical interaction with micro-mechanical sensing device and detection of relevant changes physical mechanical behavior. It combines: nanomechanical properties detection - stress/strain/resonant frequency and photoacoustic vibration response characteristic. Above modes act as complementary,
emphasizing both detection selectivity and sensitivity. The project addresses: micro- and nano-mechanical properties of materials embedded in cantilever which deflection/torsion and vibration properties are studied by AFM-based system, Raman and photoacoustic spectroscopy and utilizing microlever physical and mechanical properties for gas/liquid sensing; searching of new possibilities for gas/liquid sensors based on functional materials; design of new transducers for sensors and new sensor-systems on the base of unique micro-mechanical properties.
properties of materials for sensors. The proposed detection method emphasizes physical, rather than chemical interaction with micro-mechanical sensing device and detection of relevant changes physical mechanical behavior. It combines: nanomechanical properties detection - stress/strain/resonant frequency and photoacoustic vibration response characteristic. Above modes act as complementary,
emphasizing both detection selectivity and sensitivity. The project addresses: micro- and nano-mechanical properties of materials embedded in cantilever which deflection/torsion and vibration properties are studied by AFM-based system, Raman and photoacoustic spectroscopy and utilizing microlever physical and mechanical properties for gas/liquid sensing; searching of new possibilities for gas/liquid sensors based on functional materials; design of new transducers for sensors and new sensor-systems on the base of unique micro-mechanical properties.
prof. Ing. ZELINGER Zdeněk CSc.
019, 04A
3046, 3085