2020 »
31 captures
9 Feb 19 - 8 Mar 21
Contents of Issue 62(2017)-4B
List of papers
01. Golamhossein Soleimani, Majid Nouri Kamari, Amir Afkar: Developing optimal suspension system of sport utility vehicle by application anti-roll bar
02. Siamak Bokaei, Faramarz Talati: Analysis of inverse heat transfer for two-phase solidification problem in a finned phase-change material storage
03. Ghiyam Eslami, Samira Ahmadpour: Investigation on fluid induced vibration of the flexible robot arm
04. B.Farzaneh, M.T.Shervani-Tabar, R.Ahrabi, S.E.Razavi: Numerical modeling of the dynamic behavior of a gaseous plug in treatment of the cancerous tumors by embolism
05. Abdolreza Gharehkhani, Ebrahim Abbaspour-Sani: A new structure for reducing the number of MEMS switches used in six-bit DMTL phase shifters
06. Yaghoub Pourasad, Majid Oveisi: Optimization of tradeoff between ride and handling of vehicle via genetic algorithm
07. Majid Oveisi: Design of water distribution network with pressure control and water leakage
08. R.Esmaeilzadeh, A.Ajami, M.R.Banaei: Analysis of hybrid topology for multilevel inverter to maximize the number of output voltage levels for PV-battery system
09. Hassan Ghahremani Feshalenji: Assessment of geometry effect on cyclic behavior of eccientrically braced frames links
10. Saeid Masoumi, Hassan Hajghassem, Alireza Erfanian, Ahmad Molaei Rad: Design and fabrication of field effect transistor based on graphene as an explosive detector
11. Abbas Rasaienia, Amir Arab Aliknani: A novel feed-forward/feedback controller for satellite tracking systems
12. Hassan Ghahremani Feshalenji: Seismic behavior of concrete structures equipped with ADAS devices
13. Saeed Mohammadian-Semnani, Mahdieh Karkehabadi: Finding optimized routes in vehicle routing problem with backhaul by combining genetic algorithm and improved K-means
14. Alireza Shokri Khasraghi, Jalil Mazloum: Investigating human abnormal behaviors in video using image processing techniques and one of the neural network methods
15. Ali Amooji: Solving of diagnostic issues with mathematical modeling approach. (Case study: Inference engine architecture in the neurological diseases diagnosing expert system)
16. Oleg R.Kuzichkin, Anastasia V.Grecheneva, Nikolay V.Dorofeev, Vadim V.Mishunin: Geotechnical monitoring of the objects based on the method of inclinometric control of own frequencies
17. Oleg R.Kuzichkin, Anastasia V.Grecheneva, Roman P.Gakhov, Nikolay V.Dorofeev, Maksim D.Baknin, Bogdan R.Gakhov: Development and research of the geoelectric model of the local zone of geodynamic control
18. Mohsen Irani, Faramarz Sarhaddi, Amin Behzadmehr: Numerical investigation of the effect of nanoparticles on thermal efficiency of phase change materials
19. Michail V. Nemchinov, Igor V. Chistiakov, Tatiana A. Suetina, Nikita V. Borisuk, Anna G. Ivanova: New small water passing structures at roads
20. Y.A.Kryukov, M.A.Mikheyev, V.V.Ivanov, O.E.Naumov: Innovative mass consumption definition technology of air for automobile vehicles engines on the new type sensor basis
21. Babak Hagdoust, G.Akbari: Shirin darreh dam condition of stability and maintenance
22. Somayeh Lotfi, Baharak Shakeri Aski, Safoora Zakeri: Soccer player detection and tracking based on image processing
23. Ashkan Mohammadzadeh, Aleme Keikha: Design of a wind turbine model for clean energy. Case study: Khorasan Razavi regional electricity company
24. Mohsen Irani, Faramarz Sarhaddi, Yadallah Taraz: Experimental investigation of a hydrogen production system using photovoltaic electrolysis process
25. V.V.Amelichev, S.S.Generalov, V.V.Platonov, S.V.Nikiforov: Investigation of hydrophobic nanostructured film for its application in MEMS industry
26. G.R.Nouri, M.Tirandazian: Seismic performance assessment of composite concrete-steel deck truss bridges
27. Elena Karpanina, Anna Leonova, Olga Sirotina, Dmitry Gura: Assessment of the level of ultra-high temperature effects on structural elements
28. Ali Mohammad Rousta, Seyed Mehdi Zahrai: Parametric study of a proposed hybrid damping system: KE+VLB in Chevron braced frames
29. Siamak Bazaati: Construction site layout planning considering traveling distance between facilities: Application of particle swarm optimization
30. Hassan Salehi, Ehsan Akbari, Mohammad Reza Abshenas: Design of architectural models to enhance the security of buildings and urban areas against military with passive defense approach
31. Morteza Bazghandi, Ali Bozorgmehr: Survey stability of the ZVS phase-shifted full-bridge DC/DC converter with soft switching
32. M. S. Melnichuk, G. V. Petrov, S. B. Fokina, I. E. Zotova: Enhancing optimal performance of the platinum concentrates by reduction sulfuric acid
33. Weichi Pei, Jianwei Dong, Haiyang Long, Yaogang Li, Hongchao Ji: Study on PID control and Fuzzy-PID control of magnetic fluid semi-active suspension
34. V. A. Narayana, Abhinav Chamakura, Ramakrishna Gandi: Deceptive call recognition in a network using machine learning
35. Junjie Liu, Jianhui Lin: Invoice number recognition algorithm based on digital structure features
36. A.\,Shagiakhmetov, D.\,Tananykhin, A.\,Terleev: Development of water-shutoff composition on the basis of carboxymethyl cellulose for fractured and fractured-porous oil and gas reservoirs
37. G. Korobov, D. Podoprigora: Depth computation for the onset of organic sedimentation formation in the oil producing well as exemplified by the Sibirskoye oil field
38. M.Bekbolatova, B.Sakenova, I.Temirova, D.Shaimerdenova, G.Sarbassova, A.Iztayev, G.Ospankulova: Modification of fats by enzymatic interesterification
39. M.A.Abasi, M.Masnadi Shirazi: Statistically investigation of solar effect in the descending period based by empirical data from precursors of Demeter satellite