Ing. Dušan Húsek, CSc.


Department: Machine Learning
Phone: +420 266 05 3230
Email: (email)


  • 1974 graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.
  • 1983 Ph.D. in Computer Science (Ph.D. thesis: Computational Aspects of Tolerance Analysis of Chemical Plants)

Professional positions

  • 1978 – 1982 research student at the Institute of Computer Science, Prague
  • 1983 – research fellow at the Institute of Computer Science
  • 1984 – research scientist in computer science in Neural Network dept. Inst. of Comp. Science of Acad. of Sci. of the Czech Republic, Prague

Applicant abilities

  • 1994 – 1996 Head of grant GAČR No. GA201/94/0729
  • 1994 – 1996 Head of grant GAČR No. GA102/94/0728
  • 1997 – 1999 Head of grant GAČR No. GA201/97/0885
  • 1999 – 2000 Head of grant Barrande No 99010-1/2/
  • 2001 – 2003 Head of grant GAČR No. GA201/01/1192
  • 2000 – 2004 Researcher MŠMT No. LN00B096
  • 2005-2006 Head of grant Barrande No 2002-030-1/
  • 2005-2007 Head of research group of grant GAČR No 201/05/0079

Organizing committee member

  • RG 25 Working group on database systems 1984-9
  • DB Forum PRAHA 1996 , 1997,
  • Znalosti 2002 – 2008,
  • SITIS’2006 – Tunis
  • ICDIM’07 Francie
  • CSIT 2006 SDN Jordansko
  • ELNET 2006 – Botswana
  • ETID / DEXA 2007 – Germany

Study stays:

  • Institute of protein research, RAS Puschino, 1988, Summer school on Information retrieval, Glasgow, GB, 1990
  • University of Salzburg, Dept. of Physics, 1994, Rakousko
  • Institute of Cybernetics AS, Kiev, Ukradne, IHNA&NP RAS– Dept. of dynamic neural networks, 2001

Scientific society memberschip:

Editorial boards member

  • Neural Network World