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  1. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 21 hodinami

    New Year Tea Time at . What's your new year resolution? :)

  2. před 22 hodinami

    Congrats to Marek Mraz for another great ! The League Against Cancer Prague gave him the Award for Outstanding Work in Oncology published in 2018. Mark Mraz specializes in of the blood and the treatment options.

  3. 7. 1.

    Not only Institute in London is aware of the importance of its bright and lively atrium. Great scientific ideas are also born and discussed in the Atrium at in .

  4. 7. 1.

    Navštivte již tento pátek na zaměřené na typizaci multirezistentních bakterií způsobujících infekce u pacientů s hematologickou malignitou a bakterii ST457 u zvířat.

  5. 7. 1.

    ? International scientists (incl. ) tested new compounds for lossless transmission of that could be also used in quantum computer processors.

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    6. 1.

    Opening position! We are looking for highly motivated with excellent research experience in , and related areas. Please mail to, subject “Postdoc in CEITEC Energy”

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    6. 1.

    The 4th newsletter was released. Read about the recent 5th project meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. Read the December 2019 newsletter here:

  8. 3. 1.

    Do you want to start building your at an excellent institution in the great city of ? Apply now to the program! You can study in these fields: Bio-mics Structural Biology Molecular Medicine

  9. 28. 12. 2019

    a patří mezi nejzávažnější onemocnění nervového systému. Odborníci z našli způsob, jak pomoci včasnému nasazení správné léčby roztroušené sklerózy nebo rozpoznání projevů Parkinsonovy nemoci.

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    24. 12. 2019

    Our review (with Chinese colleagues) on Advances of in energy sciences - now published in Chemical Society Reviews

  11. 23. 12. 2019

    is everywhere. Science helps us to have a better life. Let science shine and brighten your life also in 2020. Do you want to know how exactly? Follow .

  12. 20. 12. 2019

    In and people we trust! We thanked them for their hard work and enthusiasm and celebrated our achievements together at the CEITEC . Our employees could enjoy the great program prepared by their colleagues and had a lot of fun!

    Uživatelé , , a další (3)
  13. 18. 12. 2019

    Doktorandka a maminka Aneta Ledererová z výzkumné skupiny Michala Šmídy získala . Cílem je podpořit vědce a vědkyně působící v oblasti přírodních věd, kteří se snaží skloubit vědu s péčí o děti.

  14. 18. 12. 2019

    A significant contribution to has recently been made by Adam Jaros and Michal Straka (), and Esmaeil Farajpour Bonab and ( ). Read more:

  15. 17. 12. 2019

    See the traditional organized for all employees of where we reminded us of this year’s successes, heard about the news from different workplaces of CEITEC and enjoyed the pre-Christmas atmosphere together!

    Uživatelé , , a další (6)
  16. 17. 12. 2019

    Čtěte s fyzikálním chemikem a biochemikem Jiřím Šponerem působícím mimo jiné na institutu . Fascinují jej molekuly a a chce pochopit jejich roli od vzniku chemického života až po moderní biochemii.

  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    4. 12. 2019

    Fullerenes encapsulated with polar molecules are proposed as molecular , devices for in-memory processing, controlled by electric fields. @CEITECBrno

  18. 15. 12. 2019

    Výzkum vědkyně Terezie Mandákové a jejích kolegů, který je zaměřený na vývoj genomu lničky seté, zaujal i . Pomůže šlechtitelům zlepšit agronomické vlastnosti.

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  19. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    13. 12. 2019

    This week, member hosted a in , entitled, " at Universities" Read the press release here:

  20. 13. 12. 2019

    We were very pleased to welcome the representatives of the at yesterday! They discussed with the members of possibilites of their and research.


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