Mountain meadows in Kajaran (Քաջարան) environs
Cerambycidae locality

Mountain meadows in Kajaran environs
Mountain meadows in Kajaran environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Depicted beautiful alpine meadows, located in mountain landscape ca 4.5 km south of Kajaran (Քաջարան, Syunik prov., South Armenia), were interesting by occurence of several rare Cerambycidae species. On the still undetermined Asteraceae plant we collected and photographed numerous specimens of Stenocorus vittidorsum (Reitter, 1890), Agapanthia chalybaea Faldermann, 1837 and Agapanthia lederi Ganglbauer, 1883 together with still undetermined small shiny blue-green Agapanthia from the violacea group. Among another observed species may be mentioned also on thistles collected Pteromallosia albolineata (Hampe, 1852).

Mountain meadows in Kajaran environs
[Photo © P.Jelínek]
Stenocorus vittidorsum - host
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Undetermined Asteraceae plant, on which leaves were sitting all captured adults of Stenocorus vittidorsum, Agapanthia chalybaea and Agapanthia lederi.

Pteromallosia albolineata
[Photo © P.Jelínek]

↑ - This rich locality offered to us lot of interesting insect for photographing (Pteromallosia albolineata and Lytta sp.).