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Staff of Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods
RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc.


8.12.1962, Prague, Czech Republic
married (1990), two children (1992,1995)

Education and specialization:

1980-1985:  faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague - Nuclear Physics
1985  -  RNDr degree (eq. to Msc.) in Nuclear Physics at the same university
1996  -  CSc. degree (eq. to PhD), thesis: "Study of Saurface Layers of Solids by Nuclear Analytical Techniques "

Work experiences:

1985  -  Nuclear Physics Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1990 - 1991:  Technical University IRI Delft, participation in BISNIS and POSH projects mainly with neutron and gamma shielding calculations.
1993  -  (April-May) 5 weeks stay at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA - participantion in the IAEA Training Course on Nuclear Related Analytical Techniques in Air Pollution Monitoring and Research.
1994 - 1995:  Gent, Institute of Nuclear Sciences (INW), Belgium research fellowship in project: "Composition and sources of the atmospheric aerosol in the Norwegian Arctic and in Norway. Assessment of the extent of the anthropogenic perturbation. " Work at INW covered PIXE and INAA analysis of Hi-Vol and cascade impactor samples collected at the Zeppelin station at Ny Alesund, Spitsbergen - inversion of raw size distribution data, comparison of different sampling devices and interpretation of obtained data.

Research activities:

PIXE analysis of the fly ashes, atmospherics and combustion aerosols, thin solid layers, biological materials etc.
Other ion beam techniques as RBS and PIGE NDP technique (also in coincidence mode)

Other skills:

Computing - Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, VMS, MS-DOS, Windows, basics statistics, spectra fitting etc.
Languages - Czech, English ,Russian and little German

Recent publications:

    Author or co-author of about 50 scientific papers , 30 contributions at conferences, of about 7 internal research reports. Member of the J.J.Marci (Czech) Spectroscopic Society and the Czech Aerosol Society
    From the list of the recent publications:
  1. J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, I.Sýkorová, V.Havránek , J.Kučera and J.Kugler, Influence of sorbents on emmision of elements from fluidized bed combustion, J. Aerosol Sci. 29, Suppl. 1, S451-S452 (1998)
  2. J.Kučera, V.Havránek, J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, J.Kugler, I.Sýkorová, J.Šantroch, INAA and PIXE of Atmospheric and Combustion Aerosols, Biological Trace Element Research , Vol 71-72 (1999) 233-245.
  3. J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, I.Sýkorová, J.Kučera, and V.Havránek, Characterization of Solid Emissions from Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion of Two Czech Lignites, Environ. Sci. Technol. 1999, 33, 3543-3551.
  4. R.Hillamo, M.Sillanpää, V.M.Kerminem, J.Schwarz, L.Dzumbová, J.Kugler, J.Smolík, I.Brožová, Z.Bartáčková, J.Šantroch, J.Hovorka, J.Kučera, and V.Havránek, Composition and Size of Atmospheric Aerosol in Prague, J.Aerosol Sci., Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, pp. S665-S666, 1999.
  5. J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, M.Punčochář, J.Kugler, I.Sýkorová, and V.Havránek , Composition of Particulate Emission from Fluidised Bed Combustion of Charcoal, J.Aerosol Sci., Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, pp. S783-S784, 1999.
  6. I.Sýkorová, V.Bouška, J.Smolík, K.Schwarz, J.Kučera and V.Havránek, Influence of additives on emission from the fluidized bed combustion of lignite, Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century, B.Q.Li and Z.Y.Liu (editors) 1999 Shanxi Science & Technology Press, pp. 499-502.
  7. J.Vacík, J.Červená, V.Hnatowicz, V.Havránek, J.Hoffmann, Pulse-Shape Discrimination in Neutron Depth Profiling, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol 49 (1999) S1 417-422.
  8. V.Havránek , J.Kučera, J.Horáková, V.Voseček, J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, and I.Sýkorová, Matrix Effects in PIXE Analysis of Aerosols and Ashes, Biological Trace Element Research , Vol 71-72 (1999) 431-442.
  9. J. Kučera, R.M. Parr, B. Smodiš, A. Fajgelj, M. Mattiuzzi, V. Havránek: Use of INAA, PIXE and XRF in homogeneity testing of new IAEA reference air filters, Proc. 10th Int. Conference Modern Trends in Neutron Activation Analysis (MTAA-10), 19-23 April 1999, Bethesda (MD), USA, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Vol. 244, No. 1 (2000) 121-126
  10. V.Hnatowicz, V.Peřina, V.Havránek, V.Voseček, J.Novotný, J.Vacík, V.Švorčík, V.Rybka, A.Kluge, Degradation of polymine and polyethyleneterephtalate irradiated with 150 and 200 keV Ar+ ions by RBS and ERD techniques, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B161-163, 2000, 1099-1103
  11. J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, I.Sýkorová, J.Kučera, and V.Havránek , Influence of Calcareous Sorbents on Particulate Emissions from Fluidised Bed Combustion of Lignite, Aerosol. Science and Technology 33:544-556 (2000)
  12. J.Smolík, J.Schwarz, V.Veselý, I.Sýkorová, J.Kučera and V.Havránek, Influence of Calcaerous Sorbents on Particulate Emmision from Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite, Aerosol Science and Technology 33:544-556 (2000)
  13. J.Veselý, V.Majer, J.Kučera, V.Havránek, Solid-water partitioning of elements in Czech freshwaters, Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 437-450.
  14. J. Sysalová, J. Kučera, B. Kotlík, V. Havránek: Quality control materials for the determination of trace elements in airborne particulate matter, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 373 (2002) 195-199.
  15. V.Havránek, V.Voseček, J.Smolík, V.Ždímal, J.Schwarz, J.Němec, Využití metod PIXE A PIGE k analýzám aerosolů a pevných vzorků. Anorganická analýza v životním prostředí, Sborník přednášek ze semináře 12-15.11.2001 v Komorní Lhotce 133-139.
  16. J.Smolík, V.Ždímal, K.Eleftheriadas, V.Havránek, N.Mihalopoulos, J.Schwarz, I.Colbeck, M.Lazaridis, Characterization of size-fractioned atmospheric aerosol collected in the eastern mediterranean region, Report series in aerosol science No. 56 (2002), str.142-145.
  17. Macková A., Peřina V., Havránek V., Hnatowicz V., Jelínek M., Lančok J. RBS and PIXE Characterization of Nd: KGW Wavegiuding Films, Booklet of Abstracts, 14th Radiochemical Conference, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic, April 14-19,2002. Pp.118; ISBN 80-01-02530-6
  18. J. Vacik , H. Naramoto , S. Yamamoto , K. Narumi , V. Havranek, Epitaxial re-crystalization of the NI/MGO(001) interface, Sborník 14. Konference českých a slovenských fyziků, Plzeň 9. - 12. září 2002, str. 389-391.
  19. J. Vacik , H. Naramoto , S. Yamamoto , K. Narumi , V. Havranek, RT growth of the micrometer-size C60 crystals in the Ni-C60 nano-composite, Sborník 14. Konference českých a slovenských fyziků, Plzeň 9. - 12. září 2002, str. 389-391.
  20. Smolík J., Ždímal V., Lazaridis M., Schwarz J., Havránek V., Eleftheriadis K., Colbeck I., Mihalopoulos N., Nyeki S., Housiadas C.: Size Resolved Mass Concentration and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean Area. (Eng) In: Measurements of Particulate Matter: Status Report 2002. (Eng). (Kahnert, M., Ed.), pp. 26-51, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller 2002. [10249]
  21. Lazaridis M., Gehrig E., Torset K., Yttri K.E., Semb A., Larssen S., Storfal F., Hjellbrekke A.-G., Hanssen J.E., Smolík J., Ždímal V., Havránek V.: Measurements of Particulate Matter in EMEP. (Eng) Electronic document (5,2 MB). Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller (2001). [9597]
  22. Sýkorová I., Vašíček M., Smolík J., Schwarz J., Džumbová L., Machovič V., Kučera J., Havránek V.: Solid Emissions from the Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite. (Eng) 11th International Conference on Coal Science ICCS 2001, Book of Abstracts, pp. 1-4, San Francisco, USA, 30 September - 05 October 2001. [9706]
  23. Colbeck I., Bryant C., Drossinos I., Havránek V., Mikuška P., Smolík J., Večeřa Z., Ždímal V., Eleftheriadis K., Housiadas C., Lazaridis M., et. al. : Preliminary Results from Subgrid Scale Investigations of Factors Determining the Occurrence of Ozone and Fine Particles (SUB-AERO). (Eng) Aerosol Society Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, pp. 12-15, p. 12-15, University of Bath, Great Britain, 18-19 June 2001. [9575]
  24. Havránek V., Voseček V., Kučera J., Smolík J., Schwarz J.: Analysis of Different Aerosol Samples from Cascade Impactors by Pixe - Efficiency Calibration and Matrix Effects. (Eng) 12th International Symposium Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice, Book of Abstracts, p. 31, Bled, Slovenia, 09-12 April 2001. [9524]
  25. Lazaridis M., Colbeck I., Drossinos I., Eleftheriadis K., Havránek V., Kallos G., Smolík J., Solberg S., Spiridaki A., Stefanou E., Večeřa Z., Ždímal V.: Subgrid Scale Investigations of Factors Determinating the Occurrence of Ozone and Fine Particles (SUB-AERO). (Eng) European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001, Book of Abstracts [in J. Aerosol. Sci., 32 (Suppl. 1), S119-S120 (2001)], Leipzig, Germany, 03-07 September 2001. [9492]
  26. Lazaridis M., Colbeck I., Drossinos I., Eleftheriadis K., Havránek V., Housiadas C., Kallos G., Mikuška P., Smolík J., Večeřa Z., Ždímal V., et. al. : Subgrid Scale Investigations of Factors Determining the Occurrence of Ozone and Fine Particles (SUB-AERO). (Eng) 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Abstracts, p. AP86, Torino, Italy, 17-20 September 2001. [9578]
  27. Schwarz J., Džumbová L., Kugler J., Smolík J., Hillamo R., Sillanpää M., Kerminen V.M., Šantroch J., Havránek V.: Elemental Mass Size Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol in Prague. (Eng) European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001, Book of Abstracts [in J. Aerosol. Sci., 32 (Suppl. 1), S167-S168 (2001)], Leipzig, Germany, 03-07 September 2001. [9491]
  28. Schwarz J., Smolík J., Džumbová L., Veselý V., Sýkorová I., Kučera J., Havránek V.: Particulate Emissions from Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite with and without Recirculation. (Eng) European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001, Book of Abstracts [in J. Aerosol. Sci., 32 (Suppl. 1), S27-S28 (2001)], Leipzig, Germany, 03-07 September 2001. [9482]
  29. Smolík J., Ždímal V., Eleftheriadis K., Havránek V., Lazaridis M., Colbeck I., Schwarz J.: Mass and Elemental Size Distributions of Atmospheric Aerosol in the Mediterranean Area. (Eng) European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001, Book of Abstracts [in J. Aerosol. Sci., 32 (Suppl. 1), S147-S148 (2001)], Leipzig, Germany, 03-07 September 2001. [9506]
  30. Sýkorová I., Vašíček M., Smolík J., Schwarz J., Džumbová L., Machovič V., Kučera J., Havránek V.: Solid Emissions from the Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite. (Eng) 11th International Conference on Coal Science ICCS 2001, Book of Abstracts, pp. 1-4, San Francisco, USA, 30 September - 05 October 2001. [9706]
  31. Vacík J., Červená J. Havránek V., Macková A., Peřina V., Hnatowicz V., Neutron Depth Profiling in NPI Rez , Book of abstracts, Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Conference 11, Prague - Průhonice, Czech Republic, September 2-6, 2002.
  32. V. Peřina. A. Macková, J. Červená, V. Havránek, V. Voseček, V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacík, Měření povrchových vrstev kombinací jaderných analytických metod, Sborník 14. Konference českých a slovenských fyziků, Plzeň 9. - 12. září 2002, str. 351-356.
  33. Havránek V., Voseček V., Smolík J., Schwarz J., Ždímal V.: Analysis of Aerosol Samples by Energetic Ion Beam. (Eng) Czech-Finnish Aerosol Symposium, Report Series in Aerosol Science, No 56, pp. 47-51, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-26 May 2002. [9834]
  34. Kučera J., Smolík J., Schwarz J., Havránek V.: INAA and PIXE of Combustion Aerosols. (Eng) American Nuclear Society 2002 Winter Meeting, Book of Abstracts, p. 456-457, Washington, D.C., USA, 17-21 November 2002. [10266]
  35. Lazaridis M., Colbeck I., Drossinos I., Eleftheriadis K., Havránek V., Housiadas C., Kallos G., Mihalopoulos N., Smolík J., Večeřa Z., Ždímal V., Solberg S.: Characterization of Physical and Chemical Factors Determining the Occurence of Ozone and Fine Particles. (Eng) 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC), Book of Abstracts, p. 98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 18-25 September 2002. [10219]
  36. Smolík J., Schwarz J., Džumbová L., Kugler J., Veselý V., Sýkorová I., Kučera J., Havránek V., Leitner V.: An Equilibrium Analysis of Behavior of Trace Elements during Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite. (Eng) 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2002, Summaries 1, p. 274, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-29 August 2002. [10088]
  37. Smolík J., Ždímal V., Eleftheriadis K., Havránek V., Mihalopoulos N., Schwarz J., Colbeck I., Lazaridis M.: Size Resolved Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols Collected in Winter over the Eastern Mediterranean Area. (Eng) Sixth International Aerosol Conference, Abstracts, p. 301-302, Taipei, Taiwan, 09-13 September 2002. [10043]
  38. J. Smolik, V. Zdimal V, J. Schwarz, M. Lazaridis,V. Havranek,K. Eleftheriadis, N Mihalopoulos,C. Bryant,I. Colbeck, Size resolved mass concentration and elemental composition of atmospheric aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean area, Atmosph. Chem. and Phys. 3 (2003) 2207-2216.
  39. Mackova A, Perina V, Havranek V, Jelinek M, Lancok J RBS and PIXE characterisation of Nd : KGW waveguiding films, Czech. J. of Phys. 53 Suppl. A (2003) A241-A246.
  40. V. Havránek, J. Kučera, Z. Řanda: A comparison of NAA, PAA and PIGE for the determination of fluorine in environmental and biological samples, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Vol. 259, No. 2(2004) 325-329.
  41. V. Havránek, J. Kučera, U.Wätjen, V.Voseček, Homogeneity Study of the New Reference Material of Membrane Filter with Atmospheric Aerosol Deposit, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, PIXE 2004, Portorož, Slovenia, (2004) 907.1-907.4, ISBN 961-6306-62-7
  42. V. Havránek, V.Voseček, J.Novotný, New Experimental Target Chamber for Simultaneous PIXE, PIGE, RBS and PESA Analysis. Proceedings 10th International Conference on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, PIXE 2004, Portorož, Slovenia, (2004) 822.1-822.3, ISBN 961-6303-62-7