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Staff of Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods
doc. ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc.


2.5.1938, Dobruška, Czech Republic

Education and sp

Education and specialization:

Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics 1962, specialization - experimental nuclear physics

PhD - 1967
DrSc (doctor of sciences) - 1989
Docent - 1997

Education and specialization:

Work experiences:

1962 - 1963 NPI Řež, ČR
1963 - 1966 JINR Dubna USSR
1966 - 1969 NPI Řež, ČR
1969 - 1970 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
1970 - now  NPI Řež, ČR

Proponent publication activity:

Recent publications:

A total of about 250 titles including primary reports and chapters in proceedings of meetings.

  1. D.Fink, J.Vacík, J.Červená, V.Hnatowicz, Y.Kobayashi, S.Hishita, S.Ghosh and R.Klett, On the uptake of aqueous tracer solutions by pristine and ion irradiated PEEK, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B134 (1998) 61-72
  2. D.Fink, M.Mueller, P.Szimkoviak, R.Klett, J.Vacík, V.Hnatowicz and L.T.Chadderton, Rutherford backscattering of laterally heterogenous structures: The determination of radial density distribution in ion tracks in collodium, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B134 (1998) 87-97
  3. D.Fink, S.Ghosh, R.Klett, L.Palmetshofer, J.Vacík, V.Hnatowicz, J.Červená, J.Kaschny, F.C.Zawislak and P.Sanchez, Li implantation into fullerite, Fullerene Science and Technology 6 (1998) 175-184
  4. V.Hnatowicz, J.Vacík, J.Červená, V.Peřina, V.Švorčík and V.Rybka, On anomalous concentration depth profiles of atoms implanted into polymers, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B136-138 (1998) 568-573
  5. V.Švorčík, K.Prošková, V.Rybka, J.Vacík, V.Hnatowicz and Z.Kobazashi, Changes of PEEK surface chemistry by ion irradiation, Material Letters 36 (1998) 128-131
  6. V.Švorčík, K.Prošková, V.Rybka and V.Hnatowicz, Water diffusion in polyethylene modified bz ion irradiation, Polymer Degradation and Stability 60 (1998) 431-435
  7. V.Švorčík, E.Arenholz, V.Hnatowicz, V.Rybka, R.Oechsner and H.Ryssel, AFM investigation of polyethylene modified by ion bombardement, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B142 (1998) 349-354
  8. J.Vacík, V.Hnatowicz, J.Červená, V.Peřina, R.Mach and I.Peka, Prompt nuclear analytical techniques for material research in accelerator driven transmutation technologies: Prospects and quantitative analyses, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B139 (1998) 264-267
  9. V.Peřina, J.Vacík, V.Hnatowicz, J.Červená, P.Kolářová, J.Špirková-Hradilová and J.Schroefel, RBS measurement of depth profiles of Er incorporated into lithium niobate for optical amplifier applications, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B139 (1998) 208-212
  10. V.Švorčík, I.Miček, V.Rybka, L.Palmetshofer and V.Hnatowicz, Ion beam ablation of polytetrafluoroethylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 69 (1998) 1257-1261
  11. J.Vacík, J.Červená, V.Hnatowicz, V.Havránek, J.Hoffmann, S.Pošta, D.Fink and R.Klett, Pulse-shape discrimination in neutron depth profiling technique, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B142 (1998) 397-401
  12. J.Vacík, J.Červená, V.Hnatowicz, V.Švorčík, Z.Kobayashi, D.Fink and R.Klett, Damage profile examination on ion irradiated PEEK by 6Li doping and neutron depth profiling technique, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B141 (1998) 216-222
  13. D.Fink, R.Klett, S.Ghosh, V.Hnatowicz, J.Vacík, K.K.Dwivedi and C.Trautmann, Penetration of etchant solutions into latent ion tracks in polyimide, BENCS Exp. report 1997, HMI-B 552, June 1998, p.184-185
  14. J.Kaschny, P.Sanchez, M.Behar, D.Fink, R.Klett, S.Ghosh, L.Palmetshofer, J.Vacík and V.Hnatowicz, Lithium implantation into fullerite, BENCS Exp. report 1997, HMI-B 552, June 1998, p.267-268
  15. K.Effimenko, V.Rybka, V.Švorčík, V.Hnatowicz, Electrical properties of Au-PS-Au submicron structures, Applied Physics A67 (1998) 503-505