Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) absinthium Plavilstshikov, 1937
ssp. ishkovi Kadyrbekov, 2004

Subfamilia: LAMIINAE  /  Tribus: DORCADIINI

Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi
Dorcadion grande[Photo © P.Jelínek]

Typical habitats of Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) absinthium are steppes with parcels of fixed sands on right bank of Ily river to the north of Kapchagai (SE Kazakhstan). Larvae feed on roots of various grass species (Poaceae). Adults feed on above-ground parts of the same plant species. In warm sunny weather, males are actively moving in search of virgin females. Females are less active and usually staying under plants. [❖]

Body length:14 - 22 mm
Life cycle:1 year
Adults in:beginning of April - half of May
Host plant:larvae feed on roots of various grass species (Poaceae)
Distribution:South-Eastern Kazakhstan

The depicted beetles were photographed in sand dunes near Kerbulak village (right bank of Ily river, Almaty Region, SE Kazakhstan) on April 28th, 2015.

Collected by P.Jelínek

Toropov S.A., Milko D.A.:
Longhorns of the tribe Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia.
SatEnto, Bishkek, 2013, pp. 103.
ISBN: 9967456167

Kadyrbekov R.K., 2004
New taxa of Longicorn beetles of Dorcadionini tribe (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and China
Tethys Entomological Research 10: 93-96, 2004 .

Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi ♂♂ (black form) [Photo © P.Jelínek]

Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - male
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi ♂♂ (brown form) [Photo © P.Jelínek]

Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - female
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - female
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - female
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - female
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi - female
Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi ♀♀ [Photo © P.Jelínek]

Subfamilia: Lamiinae Latreille, 1825
Tribus: Dorcadiini Thomson, 1860
Genus: Dorcadion Dalman, 1817
Subgenus: Acutodorcadion Danilevsky, Kasatkin & Rubenian, 2004
Species: Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) absinthium Plavilstshikov, 1937
Subspecies: Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) absinthium ishkovi Kadyrbekov, 2004