Cortodera colchica Reitter, 1890
ssp. aestiva Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999
[= Cortodera aestiva Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999; ✧]

Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE  /  Tribus: RHAGIINI

Cortodera colchica aestiva
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Body length:8 - 12 mm
Life cycle:1 - 2 years [?]
Adults in:April - June
Host plant:unknown
Distribution:East Turkey

The depicted beetles were collected in Sarikamis (East Turkey).

Collected by M.Rejzek

Sama G., Rapuzzi P.:
Cerambycidae nuovi o poco noti di Turchia e Medio Oriente (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Lambillionea 99 (3): 461-468, 1999.

Danilevsky M.L.:
New and poorly known taxa of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South Europe and Near East.
Humanity Space International Almanac 4 (5): 1034-1084, 2015. [download pdf icon]

Subfamilia: Lepturinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Rhagiini Kirby, 1837
Genus: Cortodera Mulsant, 1863
Species: Cortodera colchica Reitter, 1890
Subpecies: Cortodera colchica aestiva Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999