Falcaria vulgaris Bernhardi
[Photo © M.Rejzek]

[Photo © M.Rejzek]
The name of the host plant of Phytoecia (Cardoria) scutellata (Fabricius, 1792) was published by Tibor Kovács in 1989 [❖]. In Central Europe Phytoecia (Cardoria) scutellata is a very rare species but since its biology was published the species has been collected more frequently. On the other hand Falcaria vulgaris (Apiaceae) is a very common plant, and therefore, it is probable that Phytoecia (Cardoria) scutellata might also be discovered in other localities.
Kovács T.:
A Phytoecia scutellata Fabr. Tápnövénye és életmódja (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). / Feed-plant and way of life of Phytoecia scutellata Fabr.
Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 14: 125-127, 1989. [download]