
Výběrová řízení

Výběrová řízení AV ČR 04. 03. 2020
Orientální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Researcher - Japan Studies / Japan History
Požadavky: Eligibility: The Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences is offering one research position with emphasis on Japan. The call is open to researchers with a doctoral degree in Japan Studies. We are interested in scholars who take interdisciplinary approach to both historical and research questions, working from the late 19th century when Japan pursued its imperial visions in the modern world. Those who explore varying degrees of Japanese imperialism comparatively during the rise and fall of the Japanese Empire are particularly welcome to apply.

Academic exchange and cooperation with other members of the Oriental Institute’s research team will be encouraged. The candidates must have their PhD degree at the time of the application or guarantee that they will receive it before taking up the position. The candidates are expected to have a proven track record of international publications and the ability to work with original sources in Japanese and other relevant languages. Candidates should also write and speak fluent academic English as a prerequisite both for working in the international environment of the Oriental Institute as well as international publishing and networking. Involvement in grants and outreach activities will be considered. The candidates are expected to relocate to Prague, Czech Republic. Mobility for the purpose of field/archival research and interaction with international academia will be supported.

Description: The Oriental Institute is seeking scholars with completed Ph.D. focusing on Japan to join the institute’s international research team. The opening of the position is scheduled for July–September 2020 (negotiable). This is a non-teaching research position on a three-year fixed-term contract with a possibility of extension. The Institute will provide office space, a computer, funding for proofreading services and publication expenses, library services (including funding for book purchases), and funding for research trips and academic mobility. The Oriental Institute offers as well the use of its facilities at the Taipei Research Center at Academia Sinica in Taipei. Successful candidates are expected to be in residence at the Oriental Institute in Prague. During their residence, the researchers are required to make valuable contributions to the institute’s “Power Project” and publish excellent academic publications, i.e. research articles and monographs in established international venues. For more on the “Power Project,” see . The selected candidate may expect a gross monthly salary of 1,500–2,000 EUR, depending on qualification, expertise, and previous work experience.

The Institute reserves the right not to fill this position.

To apply, please submit all of the following materials: 1) Cover Letter; 2) CV with list of publications; 2) A research proposal comprising approximately three to five pages. The proposal should contain an approximate plan of publications; 3) Two writing samples of no more than 20 pages each; 4) Two Letters of Recommendation submitted by the referee or the applicant before the application deadline.

Deadline for applications: 30 April, 2020
Notification: May–June, 2020
Mailing Instructions and Inquiries: Please direct inquiries and send the application to Dr. Nobuko Toyosawa ( and Dr. Jakub Hrubý (
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 30. 04. 2020

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