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RNDr. Jaroslav Resler, Ph.D.

Vědecký pracovník

Oddělení: Oddělení složitých systémů
Telefon: +420 266 05 3720
Email: resler@cs.cas.cz


2005 - 2009Ph.D. degreeDissertation theme: Inverse modeling of transport emissions
Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague
1986Rigorosum thesis: Stability of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of variational inequalities
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
1981 -1986Master DegreeMathematical Analysis
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University

Work Experience

since 2004Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
since 2013Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences and Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics
1992 - 2004Soma s.r.o, Lanškroun
1990 - 1992Tesla a.s., Lanškroun
1988 - 1990Škoda, Pilsen
1986 - 1988National Research Institute for Machine Design, Prague

Computer skills

  • High Performance Computing programming (Fortran, C, Python, SQL, MPI)
  • Administration of Linux clusters

Research experience in team work

2018 - 2022Identification of locations vulnerable to thermal stress a tool for sustainable urban planning
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
2018 - 2020Urban Development of weather forecast air qualit and climate scenario for Prague
2017Using of 3D large-eddy simulation outputs for virtualisation of Prague Dejvice district
2014 - 2017Advanced emission processor utilizing new data sources
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic TA04020797
2015 - 2016Project UrbanAdapt: Development of urban adaptation strategies using ecosystem based approaches to adaptation
2014 - 2016Pokročilé metody náhodných polí v asimilaci dat pro krátkodobou předpověď počasí ČR
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic GA13-34856S
2014 - 2016Development and Assessment of Regional Tropospheric Model for Augmented GNSS Positioning and Navigation
2013 - 2017Advanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate
EU COST action ES1206
2013 - 2014Urban Heat Island - vyhodnocení urbanistických záměrů
EU Central Europe programme
2017 - 2011Towards a European Network on Chemical Weather Forecasting and Information Systems
EU COST action ES0602
2017 - 2011Zdokonalení a zpřesnění modelování znečištění ovzduší a získání podkladů pro predikci zdravotního rizika
Ministerstvo životního prostředí