Tenure Track Research Position - Data Science

The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for tenure-track positions in Data Science. We especially seek applicants with research interests in the following fields:

[ Other job opprtunities ]

Statistical Data Science

  • advanced methods of analysing censored time-to-event data (multivariate survival, competing risks, multi-state models, frailty models, joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal data and survival data, interval censored data, missing data in survival analysis, use of pseudo-observations and pseudo-residuals)
  • psychometric methods (latent variable models, reliability and measurement error)
  • spatial-temporal modelling, generalised additive models

Machine Learning

  • deep knowledge of mathematical background of machine learning methods and ability to explore their properties
  • wide overview of algorithms for classification, regression, and clustering, based on deep and supervised learning
  • advanced knowledge of modern neural computing paradigms – e.g. adversarial and generative deep learning techniques

Complex Systems

  • high performance computing and simulations in atmospheric modelling, neuroscience, social systems, etc.
  • detecting and characterizing interactions in multivariate systems – coupling, synchronization, causality; graph & information theory
  • complex dynamical systems – deterministic and stochastic dynamics, model selection, parameter estimation, physics-informed machine learning; extreme events detection, forecasting, propagation

The lists above are not exclusive, other topics in Data Science will be considered.

We offer a full-time position, which includes the following benefits:

  • Freedom and support to develop an independent research program.
  • Flexible working conditions, including the option to work part-time.
  • Salary matching the local price level (monthly gross salary 37-55 thousand CZK based on qualifications and experience - approximately 28-40 thousand CZK net salary).
  • Additional bonuses based on research performance and successful grant applications. See the Cost Of Living Comparison.
  • Five weeks of paid vacation on top of public holidays.
  • Child care facilities in the institute’s building.
  • Highly attractive and safe location (Prague).

We encourage you to apply, if you:

  • Hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematical Statistics, Biostatistics, Machine Learning, or a related field.
  • Have an excellent research record relative to your career stage.
  • Show the potential to build an independent research group and acquire research funding.

Conditions of contract

You will be appointed for up to 3 years initially and your performance will be evaluated after this period. In case of a positive review, you will be eligible for an extension or a tenured appointment.

Your involvement in graduate teaching programs and supervising graduate students will not be mandatory, yet welcome by the Institute.

To apply, submit your application to ics@cs.cas.cz, including the following:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and a description of the three most important achievements.
  • Description of your scientific interest and plans.
  • 3 letters of recommendation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to ics@cs.cas.cz.

The closing date for application is 30th April 2020.

About us

Czech Academy of Sciences is the largest institution conducting basic research in the Czech Republic. It comprises 54 research institutes, the Institute of Computer Science being one of them. For more information, see our webpage http://www.cs.cas.cz/., or contact us at ics@cs.cas.cz.