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3 Oct 19 - 5 May 20
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Award for a Contribution at the ICANS 28 Conference

Participating at the ICANS 28 conference, Matěj Hývl from the Department of Thin Films and Nanostructures presented a contribution entitled “Nanoscale Study of the Hole-selective Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using C-AFM Tomography“ for which he received one of the three awards for the best poster at the conference.

This contribution deals with an advanced measurement of electrical properties of passivating contacts for silicon solar cells using the AFM tomography, a research topic on which M. Hývl cooperates with Martin Ledinský, in collaboration with EPFL University (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) in Switzerland.

PThis measurement method, referred to as the C-AFM tomography, is based on a gradual replacement of thin material layers during the measurement. This allows for the use of this otherwise surface C-AFM method for obtaining information from a material volume. The C-AFM tomography has enabled the researchers to avoid a number of obstacles associated with similar measurements as performed by other research groups dealing with similar topics, and bring a unique insight into the existing problem of the current state of photovoltaics.

ICANS 28 Conference (28th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors) took place on 4th – 9th of August in Palaiseau, France.