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2019 2020 2021
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9 Dec 19 - 19 Dec 20
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prof. Ing. Emil Pelikán, CSc.

Senior scientist

Department: Director office
Phone: +420 266 05 3785
Email: pelikan@cs.cas.cz


Ing. (MSc) Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Prague, June 1979 (Mathematical Engineering).
CSc. (Ph.D.) Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, Prague, May 1985 (Computer Science).
Doc. (Habilitation) Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Prague, June 2003 (Engineering Informatics).
Prof. Czech Technical University in Prague, November 2012 (Engineering Informatics of Transportation and Communication).


Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences
since 2017 director
2002-2017 senior researcher, head of research groups and departments
1985-2002 researcher
1979-1985 Ph.D. student
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences
2012-2017 professor
2002-2012 associate professor
1998-2002 teacher
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Institute od Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
2015-2017 researcher
Swiss Federal Institution of Technology
1992 research stay

Research Interest

  • time series modeling and prediction
  • statistical data analysis
  • artificial neural networks
  • data science


since 2019 Steering Committee of the National Initiative for Cooperation of Czech Workplaces and Teams in the Field of Artificial Intelligence AICZECHIA
until 2017 Scientific Activities Committee of the Ministry of Transport, Department of Intelligent Transport Systems, Space Activities and Research, Development and Innovation
2008 Coordination Council for the Involvement of the Czech Republic in Building an Integrated and Sustainable Earth Observation System (GEOSS) and European GMES Program
2004-2008 ICS International Panel - Information and Communication Security, NATO Brussels
1997 Associate editor - International Journal of Forecasting
since 1993 International Institute of Forecasters IIF