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2019 2020 2021
11 captures
9 Dec 19 - 4 Oct 20
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prof. Ing. Emil Pelikán, CSc.

Senior scientist

Department: Director office
Phone: +420 266 05 3785
Email: pelikan@cs.cas.cz

Selected grants and projects (principal investigator or co-investigator)

2013-2017 COST Action TD12007: Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks (MC member)
2010-2014COST Action ES1002, WIRE: Weather Intelligence for Renewable Energies (MC member)
2009-2013 GOSAT (Greenhouse Gas Observing Satellite), JAXA, NIES, MOE Japan
2009-2012 Greenhouse gases emission reduction using information technologies, int. collaboration project of the ICS Prague and University of Alberta, Canada, financed by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and UA Alberta, Canada, project No. M100300904
2005-2009 grant GA ČR 1ET400300513 Mathematical modelling of natural gas consumption
2004-2019 Meteorological and Environmental Data Assimilating system for Regional Domains (MEDARD), financed by ICS AS CR, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, GA AS CR
1999-2002 5RP EU APPETISE - Air Pollution Episodes: Modelling Tools for Improved Smog Management, IST- 99-11764
1997-1998 grant Ministry of Environment CR No. VaV/520/2/97 Prediction of photochemical smog
1994-1996 grant GA ČR 201/94/0130 Aplication of modern mathematical methods in digital signal processing
1994-1996 grant GA ČR 230404 Modular artificial neural network design

Organization or co-organization of major conferences and workshops

2015 and 2016Workshop Modelling Smart Grids - A Challenge for Stochastics and Optimization, Prague
2012Workshop IEEE REFDE 2012 Renewable Energies Forecasting and Delivery, Montreal, Canada
2011International Symposium on Forecasting 2011, Prague
2009 European conference of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU - TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT. Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, Prague 2009 (member of organizing committee)
1992, 1994, 1995, 1997PASE – Parallel Applications on Statistics and Economics (1992 – Czech Republic, 1994 –Switzerland, 1995-Germany, 1997- Czech Republic)

Other activities

Research leader of the sub-programme Efficient utilization of renewable energy sources and smart distribution of energy, research programmme Efficient energy conversion and storage, Strategy AV21, Czech Academy of Sciences