Subfamilia: LAMIINAE / Tribus: DORCADIINI
[Photo © P.Jelínek]
Typical habitats of Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) kapchagaicum, a species described by Mikhail Danilevsky in 1996 [✧], are clayey semi-deserts in plains and grasslands in foothills at 700 m in Ili River valley from Bakanas in the west to Malai-Sary in the east, including Degeress Mts. in the north. Larvae feed on roots of various grass species (Poaceae). Adults feed on above-ground parts of the same plant species. In warm sunny weather, males are actively moving in search of virgin females. Females are less active and usually staying under plants. [❖]
Body length: ♂ 13 - 18 mm / ♀ 13 - 20 mm Life cycle: 1 year Adults in: last decade of April - first decade o June Host plant: various grass species (Poaceae) Distribution: Ili River valley (Almaty Region, South Kazakhstan)
The depicted beetles were collected and photographed in grassland locality close to Ili River valley north of (Almaty Region, South Kazakhstan) on April 25, 2015.Collected by P.Jelínek
Danilevsky M.L.:
New taxa of the genus Dorcadion Dalman from Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Lambillionea 96 (2) 2: 407-420, 1996 [download]
Toropov S.A., Milko D.A.:
Longhorns of the tribe Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia.
SatEnto, Bishkek, 2013, pp. 103.
ISBN: 9967456167
Dorcadion kapchagaicum ♂♂ [Photo © P.Jelínek]

Dorcadion kapchagaicum ♀♀ [Photo © P.Jelínek]
Dorcadion kapchagaicum ♂♂ [Photo © P.Jelínek]
Subfamilia: Lamiinae Latreille, 1825
Tribus: Dorcadiini Thomson, 1860
Genus: Dorcadion Dalman, 1817
Subgenus: Acutodorcadion Danilevsky, Kasatkin & Rubenian, 2004
Species: Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) kapchagaicum Danilevsky, 1996