
Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.

zobrazit starší
  1. I.K. Kozlovskaya, A. Andreev, J. Šebek, M. Tomida, Y. Shiokawa, Y. Homma, V. Sechovský
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-261 (1999) 242-243.
  2. N.V. Mushnikov, T Goto, K. Kamishima, H. Yamada, A. Andreev, Y. Shiokawa, A. Iwao, V. Sechovsky
    Physical Review B 59 (1999) 6877-6885.
  3. R.V. Dremov, A. Andreev, J. Šebek, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, L. Havela, V. Sechovský, Y. Shiokawa, Y. Homma
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-261 (1999) 244-245.
  4. A. Andreev, R.V. Dremov, V. Sechovský, Y. Uwatoko, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, K. Prokeš, Y. Shiokawa, Y. Homma, I.H. Hagmusa, J.C.P. Klaasse
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 282 (1999) 64-71.
  5. A. Andreev, I.K. Kozlovskaya, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, V. Sechovský, L. Havela, Y. Homma, Y. Shiokawa
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 196-197 (1999) 658-659.
  6. A.V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V. Sechovský, A. Andreev, V.A. Yartys, I.R. Harris
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 24 (1999) 119-127.
  7. A. Syshchenko, V. Sechovský, A. Andreev, A.A. Menovsky
    Magnetoresistance and Magnetic Phases in UNi2Si2
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49 (1999) 465-468.
  8. A. Syshchenko, V. Sechovský, A. Andreev, R.V. Dremov, J. Šebek, A.A. Menovsky
    Journal of Applied Physics 85 (1999) 4554-4555.
  9. A.V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V. Sechovský, L.E. Delong, D.B. Watkins, A. Andreev
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-261 (1999) 415-416.
  10. K. Prokeš, T. Fujita, N.V. Mushnikov, S. Hane, T. Tomita, T. Goto, V. Sechovsky, A. Andreev, A.A. Menovsky
    Physical Review B 59 (1999) 8720-8724.
  11. F. Honda, G. Oomi, A. Andreev, V. Sechovský, A.A. Menovsky
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-261 (1999) 256-257.
  12. A. Andreev, I.K. Kozlovskaya, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, V. Sechovský, Y. Homma, Y. Shiokawa
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 284 (1999) 77-81.
  13. H. Sato, Y. Aoki, T.D. Matsuda, H. Sugawara, A. Andreev, V. Sechovský, L. Havela, R. Settai, Y. Onuki
    Metamagnetic-like Anomalies in f-Electron Systems Investigated by Specific Heat Measurements
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Series 11: Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (1999) 9-11
  14. A. Andreev, M. Tomida, Y. Homma, Y. Shiokawa, V. Sechovský, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 288 (1999) 36-41.
  15. A. Andreev, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, V. Sechovský
    Physical Review B 60 (1999) 1122-1126.
  16. A. Andreev, P. Javorský, A. Lindbaum
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 290 (1999) 10-16.
  17. A. Andreev, I.K. Kozlovskaya, V. Sechovský, N.V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, Y. Homma, Y. Shiokawa
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 291 (1999) 11-15.
  18. A.V. Kolomiets, L. Havela, V.A. Yartys, A. Andreev
    Hydrogenation and Its Effects on Crystal Structure and Magnetism in RENiAl Intermetallic Compounds
    Journal of Physical Studies 3 (1999) 55-59.
  19. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 196-197 (1999) 193-195.
  20. T. Jungwirth, A.H. MacDonald, L. Smrčka, S. M. Girvin
    Physical Review B 60 (1999) 15574-15577.
  21. O. Pacherová, J. Slezák, M. Cukr, I. Bartoš
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B49 (1999) 1621-1624.
  22. M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, E. Mihóková, K. Polák, P. Fabeni, G.P. Pazzi, M. Gurioli, S. Santucci, A. Scacco, F. Somma
    Optical properties of Pb2+ - based aggregates in CsBr thin film and single crystal matrices.
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 150 (1999) 341-345.
  23. M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, E. Mihóková, K. Polák, P, Fabeni, G.P. Pazzi, M. Gurioli, S. Santucci, R. Phani, S. Zazubovich
    Luminescence of CsPbBr3 - like quantum dots in CsBr single crystals
    Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures E4 (1999) 323-331.
  24. S.M. Korniynko, I.P. Bykov, M.D. Glinchuk, V. Laguta, L. Jastrabík
    Structure of leadzirconium oxide: evidence from NMR
    Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 7 (1999) 13-17.
  25. S.M. Korniyenko, I.P. Bykov, M.D. Glinchuk, V. Laguta, L. Jastrabík
    NMR investigation of the structure of Lead Zirconate (PZ) and Lead Titanate (LT)
    Ferroelectrics 223 (1999) 165-172.
  26. M. Savosta , N. Ulyanov , Y. Starostyuk , M. Maryško, P. Novák
    Cation disorder and size effects on the magnetic transition in Ba-containing ferromagnetic manganites
    Eur. Phys. J. B 12 (1999) 393 - 396
  27. V. Valiev , V. Nekvasil, I. Mukhamedhanova , R. Dzhuraev , S. Saidov
    Experimental definition of Zeeman splitting of excited states of Tb3+ ion in Y3Al5O12
    Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Res. 213 (1999) 493 - 501
  28. M. Cukr, P. Zich, D.H. Chow, T.C. McGill
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 49 (1999) 833-836.
  29. D. Sýkorová, D. Smrčková, P. Vašek
    Effect of Nb and Ta doping on the properties of Bi - based superconductors
    J.  Elektr. Eng. 50 (1999) s29 - s30
  30. S. Takaoka, A. Kuriyama, K. Oto, K. Murase, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, L. Smrčka
    Microelectronic Engineering 47 (1999) 293-295.
  31. A. Kuriyama, S. Takaoka, K. Oto, K. Murase, S. Shimomura, S. Hiyamizu, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, L. Smrčka
    Solid State Communications 111 (1999) 699-704.
  32. J. Soubusta, R. Grill, P. Hlídek, M. Zvára, L. Smrčka, S. Malzer, W. Geißelbrecht, G. H. Döhler
    Physical Review B 60 (1999) 7740-7743.
  33. P. Vašek, I. Janeček
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 13 (1999) 3741 - 3743
  34. O. Smrčková, D. Sýkorová, D. Petrýdes, P. Vašek
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 13 (1999) 3729 - 3731
  35. D. Sýkorová, O. Smrčková, P. Vašek
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 13 (1999) 3738 - 3740
  36. Ferroelectrics 222 (1999) 67-72.
  37. Electronic Structure and STM Images of Na on Al(111)
    Surf. Interface Anal.27 (1999) 555-557
  38. F. Máca, M. Kotrla, O. S. Trushin
    Energy barriers for interlayer diffusion in Pt/Pt(111) and Rh/Rh(111) homoepitaxy: Small islands
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 49 (1999) 1591-1596.
  39. F. Máca, M. Kotrla, O. S. Trushin
    Vacuum 54 (1999) 113-117.
  40. Magnetic penetration length and irreversibility of a disorderer granular superconductor with .. junctions.
    Physical Review B 59 (1999) 1396-1406.
  41. J. Rosa, M. Vanecek, M. Nesladek, L.M. Stals:
    On Photocurrent (and EPR) Study of Defect Levels in CVD Diamond.
    phys. stat. sol. (a) 172, p. 113-122, (1999).
  42. Physical Review E 59 (1999) 5124-5127.
  43. P. Bohacek, M. Nikl, J. Novak, Z. Malkova, B. Trunda, J. Rysavy, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, K. Jurek:
    Congruent composition of PbWO4 single crystals.
    Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 50, No. 2/s, 1999, p. 38-40. ISSN 1335-3632.
  44. K. Nitsch, M. Rodova:
    Influence of thermal treatment on supercooling of molten potassium lead chloride.
    Journal of Electrical Engineering 50, No. 2 (1999) 35-37.
  45. J. Rosa, M. Vanecek, M. Nesladek, L.M. Stals:
    Photoionization cross-section of dominant defects in CVD diamond.
    Diamond and Related Materials 8 (1999), p. 721-724.
  46. H. Stepankova, P. Novak, J. Englich, J. Kohout, E.G. Caspary, M. Kucera, K. Nitsch, H. de Gronckel:
    Applicability of NMR to impurities detection in YIG thin films.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 196-197 (1999) 412-414.
  47. J. Kohout, H. Stepankova, J. Englich, P. Novak, M. Kucera, K. Nitsch, H. de Gronckel:
    Anisotropy of iron hyperfine field in Ga-substituted YIG.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 196-197 (1999) 415-417.
  48. M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, K. Nitsch, F. Somma, C. Giampaolo, G.P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, S. Zazubovich
    Photoluminescence of Cs4PbBr6 crystals and thin films
    Chemical Physics Letters 306 (1999) 280-284.
  49. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihóková, S. Baccaro, A. Vedda, M. Diemoz, E. Longo, M. Kobayashi, E. Auffray, P. Lecoq:
    Radiation Damage Processes In Wide-Gap Scintillating Crystals. New Scintillation Materials.
    Nuclear Physics B 78 (1999), p. 471-478.
  50. Physical Review E 60 (1999) 4995-4995.