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Volume 58, Issue 6, 2009



Physiol. Res. 58: 763-784, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Non-quantal acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction.
F. Vyskočil, A. I. Malomouzh, E. E. Nikolsky
(Inst. Physiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

Original Articles:

Physiol. Res. 58: 785-792, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Association of the -344T/C aldosterone synthase gene variant with essential hypertension.
Z. Hlubocká, M. Jáchymová, S. Heller, V. Umnerová, V. Danzig, V. Lánská, K. Horký, A. Linhart
(Sec. Med. Dept. – Clin. Dept. Cardiol. Angiol., First Fac. Med, Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 793-798, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Effect of protein kinase C and protein kinase A inhibitors on contraction of isolated femoral arteries of SHR and Wistar rats.
M. S. Bal, L. Paulis, J. Zicha, J. Kuneš
(Inst. Physiol. AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 799-805, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

The effect of ketamine and saffan on the b-endorphin and ACTH response to hemorrhage in the minipig.
T. Ruane-O’Hora, W. J. Hall, F. Markos
(Dept. Physiol., Univ. College Cork, Cork, Ireland)

Physiol. Res. 58: 807-815, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Extracellular hypotonicity induces disturbance of sodium currents in rat ventricular myocytes.
L. Hu, J. Ma, P. Zhang, J. Zheng
(Card.-Electrophysiol. Res. Lab., Med. Col., Wuhan Univ. Sci. Technol., Wuhan, China)

Physiol. Res. 58: 817-826, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Presyncopal cardiac contractility and autonomic activity in young healthy males.
E. Grasser, N. Goswami, H. Hinghofer-Szalkay
(Inst. Physiol., Ctr. Physiol. Med., Med. Univ. Graz, Austria)

Physiol. Res. 58: 827-833, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Plasma prohepcidin as a negative acute phase reactant after large cardiac surgery with a deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
P. Maruna, J. Lindner, J. Kunštýř, K. Kubzová, J. Hubáček
(Inst. Pathol. Physiol., Third Dept. Intern. Med., Gen. Teach. Hosp., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. Prague, Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 835-842, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

ETB2 receptor subtype stimulation relaxes the iris sphincter muscle.
A. Rocha-Sousa, J. Saraiva, M. Amaral, P. Alves-Faria, F. Falcão-Reis, A. F. Leite-Moreira
(Lab. Physiol., Fac. Med., Univ. Porto, Portugal)

Physiol. Res. 58: 843-854, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Characterization of a functional NTPDase in the endoplasmic reticulum of rat submandibular salivary gland.
M. A. Ostuni, P. Egido, G. Peranzi, G. L. Alonso, J.-J. Lacapere, D. A. Gonzalez
(INSERM U773, Ctr. Rech. Bioméd. Bichat-Beaujon (CRB3), Univ. Paris, Paris, France)

Physiol. Res. 58: 855-861, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

The comparison of antioxidant and hematological properties of N-acetylcysteine and a-lipoic acid in physically active males.
A. Zembron-Lacny, M. Slowinska-Lisowska, Z. Szygula, K. Witkowski, K. Szyszka
(Dept. Biochem., Univ. Physical Educ. Poznan, Fac. Phys. Culture Gorzow Wlkp., Poland)

Physiol. Res. 58: 863-871, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Effects of adenosine A1 receptor antagonism on lipogenesis and lipolysis in isolated rat adipocytes.
T. Szkudelski, K. Szkudelska, L. Nogowski
(Dept. Animal Physiol. Biochem., Univ. Life Sci. Poznan, Poland)

Physiol. Res. 58: 873-884, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Differential regulation of galectin expression/reactivity during wound healing in porcine skin and in cultures of epidermal cells with functional impact on migration.

J. Klíma, L. Lacina, B. Dvořánková, D. Herrmann, J. W. Carnwath, H. Niemann, H. Kaltner, S. André, J. Motlík,
H.-J. Gabius, K. Smetana Jr.
(Charles Univ. Prague, First Fac. Med., Inst. Anatomy, Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 885-893, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Use of allogenic stem cells for the prevention of bone bridge formation in miniature pigs.
L. Plánka, A. Nečas, R. Srnec, P. Raušer, D. Starý, J. Jančář, E. Amler, E. Filová, J. Hlučilová, L. Křen, P. Gál
(Clin. Pediat. Surg., Orthop. Traumatol., Fac. Hosp. Brno, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 895-902, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Differential vulnerability of outer and inner hair cells during and after oxygen-glucose deprivation in organotypic cultures of newborn rats.
N. Amarjargal, N. Andreeva, J. Gross, H. Haupt, J. Fuchs, A. J. Szczepek, B. Mazurek
(Mol. Biol. Res. Lab., Dept. Otorhinolaryngol., Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany)

Short Communications:

Physiol. Res. 58: 903-907, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Serum visfatin levels in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
I. Dostálová, D. Sedláčková, H. Papežová, J. Nedvídková, M. Haluzík
(Third Dept. Med., First Fac. Med and Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 909-912, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

The effects of 17β estradiol, 17α estradiol and progesterone on oxidative stress biomarkers in ovariectomized female rat brain subjected to global cerebral ischemia.
V. H. Ozacmak, H. Sayan
(Zonguldak Karaelmas Univ., Med. Sch., Dept. Physiol., Kozlu, Zonguldak, Turkey)


Physiol. Res. 58: 913-916, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Neurovascular compression: sympathetic activity in severe arterial hypertension.
M. Solar, J. Ceral, J. Žižka, P. Eliáš
(Dept. Int. Med. Radiol., Charles Univ. Prague, Med. Fac. Hradec Králové, Univ. Hosp. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)

Rapid Communications:

Physiol. Res. 58: 917-920, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Hyperoxia blunts acute hypoxia- and PGF-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in chronically hypoxic rats.
M. Žaloudíková, M. Vízek, J. Herget
(Dept. Pathophysiol., Sec. Fac. Med., Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 921-925, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Effect of chronic nifedipine treatment on blood pressure and adrenergic responses of isolated mesenteric artery in young rats with developing spontaneous hypertension.
A. Zemančíková, J. Török
(Inst. Norm. Pathol. Physiol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 927-930, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Age- and dose-specific anticonvulsant action of bumetanide in immature rats.
P. Mareš
(Dept. Dev. Epileptol., Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Content of Volume 58 (PDF file)

Author Index (PDF file)


This number was issued in December 2009

© 2009 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences