Incoming Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) offers a Postdoctoral Fellowship for outstanding junior researchers, PhD holders, who spent at least 2 of the last 3 years outside Czech Republic.

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The respective project No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017594 is co-funded by the EU.

  • The duration of the position is 24 months.
  • Application deadline: (updated to) 14th October 2020.
  • Starting date: 1st January 2021.
  • This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment, with no teaching duties.
  • Monthly gross salary: based on the qualification 52 000 – 60 000 CZK.
  • Cost Of Living Comparison

  • Yearly travel package up to 36 000 – 100 000 CZK for conferences and research stays.
  • Applicants must:
    1. Have obtained a PhD (in Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy or a related discipline) at most 7 years prior to the mobility starting date (1st January 2021). This period may be extended by maternity and parental leave, long-term illness (more than 90 days), care for a family member (more than 90 days), pre-certification training and military service.
    2. Fulfil the mobility condition: the applicant must have been research active (at least 0.5 FTE and/or be enrolled in PhD studies program) outside the Czech Republic for at least 2 years in the last 3 years before the Fellowship starting date (1st January 2021).
    3. Be fluent in English.
  • The applications must be sent to and should contain:
    1. Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications.
    2. Document(s) proving mobility conditions.
    3. Brief description of applicant’s research interests and of the intended research plan highlighting possible cooperation inside the institute.
    4. Three letters of recommendation – at most one from the Institute of Computer Science and at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to
    5. A copy of applicant´s Ph.D. diploma.