Combinatorial group
Here you can find the outputs of the project Structural properties of visibility in terrains and farthest color Voronoi diagrams, project number GJ19-06792Y, funded by the Czech Science foundation. For other outputs, please visit this page. In bold you find the authors that were supported by the grant.

Published papers

Liar's domination in unit disk graphs, R.K. Jallu, S.K. Jena, G.K. Das, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 845, 12 December 2020, pp. 38-49.

Hamiltonicity for convex shape Delaunay and Gabriel graphs, P. Bose, P. Cano, M. Saumell, R.I. Silveira, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol. 89, August 2020, 101629.

Conference proceedings

Hamiltonicity for convex shape Delaunay and Gabriel graphs, P. Bose, P. Cano, M. Saumell, R.I. Silveira, Proc. 16th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS'19); LNCS 11646, pp. 196-210, 2019.