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6 May 17 - 3 Jan 21
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Igor Sedlár

About me

Hi! I'm a logician working at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. I am affiliated with the Institute of Computer Science CAS, where I am a tenure-track researcher at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science within the LogICS group. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, where I hold a part-time position at the Department of Logic.

Here's my CV.

My work

I work mainly on non-classical logic. I'm currently interested in non-classical modal logics, especially dynamic logics based on non-classical propositional logics. I am the principal investigator of the NOCLID project devoted to this topic, funded by the Czech Science Foundation.

I organise the Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic at the ICS and I co-organise the LOGICA conference series.


Dr. Igor Sedlár
Institute of Computer Science
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07 Prague 8, The Czech Republic
