Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees, M. Pavez-Signé, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, M. Stein
Minimum degree conditions for tight Hamilton cycles, R. Lang, N. Sanhueza-Matamala
Longest paths in random hypergraphs, O. Cooley, F. Garbe, E. K. Hng, M. Kang, N. Sanhueza-Matamala, J. Zalla
Universal arrays, M. Pavez-Signé, D. A. Quiroz, N. Sanhueza-Matamala
Counting extensions revisited, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke
A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs, J. Hladký, C. Pelekis, M. Šileikis
Fractional Isomorphism of Graphons J. Grebík, I. Rocha, accepted to Combinatorica
Brouwer's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely, I. Rocha, Linear Algebra Appl. 597 (2020) 198–205