Artificial Intelligence and Medical Technologies
The AIMT focus
The team focuses on artificial intelligence and original diagnostic techniques and their application in medical technologies. The group's focus reflects the rapid evolution of AI, especially in the deep-learning, where we design model architectures for specific tasks. The team has a deep history of collaboration with domestic (FNUSA, Brno, CZ; FNKV, Prague, CZ) as well as with foreign research centers (UMC+, Maastricht, NL; University of Rochester, NY, USA) and private companies (Cardion, s.r.o., MDT, s.r.o.). The collaboration resulted in many scientific and technological projects. Thanks to this broad collaboration, our software applications for fully automated analysis of biological signals and original methods help patients.
The AIMT vision
The main team vision is developing and applying new technologies for diagnosis and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The priority is stabile personal core, open to collaboration (especially to students with final theses) related to artificial intelligence and medical signals. The team strives for collaborative projects with partners from both academic and private areas in the long-term outlook.
Research topics
- Analysis of high-frequency components in the ECG
- Method of artificial intelligence for automated ECG analysis
- Real-time methods for signal processing
- Analysis of the pulse-wave velocity
- Tools for the multimodal data inspection and post-processing