[Photo © Jean-Claude Ringenbach]
[Photo © Jean-Claude Ringenbach]
Agapanthia markusi, a newly described species from Greece [❖], is close related with Agapanthia (Epoptes) villosoviridescens DeGeer, 1775 but it is easy to distinguish by the lead black color of the body. Pronotum is with a very thin and incomplete median strip, sometimes this stripe is complete missing. The light pubescence is ashy colored in the new specie and yellowish in A. villosoviridescens. Antennae are shorter and only small ringed with ashy pubescence, evidently whitish ringed in A. villosoviridescens. The body is bigger and larger than in A. villosoviridescens and elytral apex is less acuminate.
Body length: 12 - 18 mm Life cycle: 1 year Adults in: June - August Host plant: thistles (Asteraceae) Distribution: Greece, Albania [✧]
The depicted beetles were collected on thistles in Bogovë (1290 m a.s.l., Berat prefecture, central Albania; N40°35′41″ E20°12′15″) on July 5, 2015.Collected by Jean-Claude Ringenbach
Rapuzzi P., Sama G., Kotán A.:
Two new Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 species from Greece (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Munis Entomology & Zoology 8 (2): 582-587, 2013. [download]
Kovács T.:
Three longhorn beetles new to the fauna of Albania (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis 39: 53-54, 2015. [download]
[Photo © Jean-Claude Ringenbach]
Subfamilia: Lamiinae Latreille, 1825
Tribus: Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835
Subgenus: Epoptes Gistl, 1857
Species: Agapanthia (Epoptes) markusi Rapuzzi, Sama et Kotán, 2013