A position for doctoral students

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic doctoral students to apply for a position funded by the ICS.

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Quick Info

The successful applicant is expected to join the Department of Complex Systems as a member of the Environmental Informatics working group. His/her role will mainly focus on improvement of modelling techniques and tools for detailed modelling of air quality and thermal comfort in urban areas, validation of utilized models, and practical utilization of these tools in urban planning. The particular tasks will include cooperation on development of the microscale atmospheric model PALM including its pre-processing and post-processing tools, testing and calibration of the model, preparation of the model configurations and data, running simulations on HPC clusters and supercomputers, and collaboration on model evaluations. The successful applicant will closely cooperate with research partners of the working group in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The extent of the position will be adjusted according to the skills of the applicant and his/her availability (up to maximum of a full-time equivalent).

We expect good skills in programming, an active and enthusiastic approach to tasks, and the ability to work in an international team. An advantage would be some level of experience with parallel programming via MPI and OpenMP, programming languages Fortran2008 and Python, and with the operating system Linux (user level). These skills are not essential but the ability and desire to acquire new skills are expected.

We offer an exciting work on leading edge atmospheric modelling research and its applications in practice in a top-class international research team with stability for almost three years. The place of the work will be in the ICS in Prague, with the possibility of partial home-office working. The salary will be confirmed upon appointment, further to the ICS rules for this type of position. The appointment is expected to start on 1st March 2021 with the maximum length of the appointment to be December 2023.

Please send your CV and supportive statement to: ics@cs.cas.cz and resler@cs.cas.cz. For more information about the project and informal enquiries, please contact Dr Jaroslav Resler at resler@cs.cas.cz.