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Volume 58, Issue 4, 2009



Physiol. Res. 58: 459-471, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Bone metabolism: a note on the significance of mouse models.
O. Raška, K. Bernášková, I. Raška Jr.
(Dept. Normal Pathol. Clin. Physiol., Third Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 473-479, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Parameters describing the pulse wave.
D. Korpas, J. Hálek, L. Doležal (Dept. Med. Biophys., Fac. Med., Palacký Univ., Olomouc, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 481-498, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Emerging role of interleukin-1 in cardiovascular diseases.
B. Vicenová, V. Vopálenský, L. Burýšek, M. Pospíšek (Charles Univ. Prague, Fac. Sci., Dept. Genet. Microbiol., Prague, Czech Republic)

Original Articles:

Physiol. Res. 58: 499-509, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Endothelial dysfunction in insulin-resistant rats is associated with oxidative stress and COX pathway dysregulation.
A. Oudot, D. Behr-Roussel, S. Compagnie, S. Caisey, O. Le Coz, D. Gorny, L. Alexandre, F. Giuliano (Pelvipharm, Orsay, AP-HP, Neuro-Uro-Andrology Unit, Dept. Physic. Med. Rehab., Raymond Poincaré Hosp., Garches, France)

Physiol. Res. 58: 511-519, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Red wine polyphenols prevent cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity at the level of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway.
R. Rezzani, S. Tengattini, F. Bonomini, F. Filippini, O. Pecháňová, R. Bianchi, R. Andriantsitohaina (Div. Human Anat., Dept. Biomed. Sci. Biotechnol., Univ. Brescia, Brescia, Italy)

Physiol. Res. 58: 521-527, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Sulfur dioxide relaxes rat aorta by endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
Y.-K. Wang, A.-J. Ren, X.-Q. Yang, L.-G. Wang, W.-F. Rong, C.-S. Tang, W.-J. Yuan, L. Lin (Dept. Physiol., Sec. Milit. Med. Univ., Shanghai, China)

Physiol. Res. 58: 529-535, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Relationship between hyperventilation and excessive CO2 output during recovery from repeated cycling sprints.
T. Yano, T. Yunoki, R. Matsuura, T. Arimitsu (Exercise Physiol., Graduate Sch. Educ., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan)

Physiol. Res. 58: 537-543, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Effects of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on hyperventilation and recovery of blood pH after a short-term intense exercise.
T. Yunoki, R. Matsuura, T. Arimitsu, T. Kimura, T. Yano (Dept. Human Dev. Sci., Fac. Educ., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan)

Physiol. Res. 58: 545-552, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Effects of endurance exercise training on markers of cholesterol absorption and synthesis.
K. R. Wilund, L. A. Feeney, E. J. Tomayko, E. P. Weiss, J. M. Hagberg (Dept. Kinesiol. Community Health, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA)

Physiol. Res. 58: 553-561, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Monitoring of early and advanced glycation in relation to the occurrence of microvascular complications in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
J. Kostolanská, V. Jakuš, Ľ. Barák (Children Diabetol. Ctr., Dept. Pediatr., Univ. Hosp., Fac. Med, Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 563-568, 2009 Full version (PDF file)

Determination of caveolin-1 in renal caveolar and non-caveolar fractions in experimental type 1 diabetes.
H. Demová, R. Komers (Diab. Ctr., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 569-576, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Leptin and leptin soluble receptor changes after pulmonary endarterectomy: relations to cortisol and cytokine network.
P. Maruna, J. Lindner, K. M. Kubzová (Inst. Pathol. Physiol., Third Dept. Int. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 577-581, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Serum concentrations of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein in patients with anorexia nervosa.
D. Haluzíková, I. Dostálová, P. Kaválková, T. Roubíček, M. Mráz, H. Papežová, M. Haluzík (Dept. Sports Med., Third Dept. Med., and Dept. Psychiatry, First Fac. Med. and General Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 583-589, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

The π-helix formation between Asp369 and Thr375 as a key factor in E1-E2 conformational change of Na+/K+-ATPase.
G. Tejral, L. Koláčná, W. Schoner, E. Amler (Lab. Tissue Engn., Inst. Exp. Med., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 58: 591-598, 2009  Full version (PDF file)

Further evidence for the role of nitric oxide in maternal aggression: effects of L-NAME on maternal aggression towards female intruders in Wistar rats.
S. Ankarali, H. C. Ankarali, C. Marangoz (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med., Univ. Zonguldak Karaelmas, Esenkoy, Zonguldak, Turkey)

Rapid Communication:

Physiol. Res. 58: 599-603, 2009  Full version (PDF file)
Resting membrane potential and Na+,K+-ATPase of rat fast and slow muscles during modeling of hypogravity.

O.Tyapkina, E. Volkov, L. Nurullin, B. Shenkman, I. Kozlovskaya, E. Nikolsky, F. Vyskočil (Inst. Biochem. Biophys., Kazan Sci. Ctr., Russian Acad. Sci., Kazan, Russia)

This number was issued in August 2009

© 2009 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences