• Střed | Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries is a peer-reviewed journal focused on studies of the society, culture and politics in Central Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries. The journal is ecumenical in its selected methodological and disciplinary approaches and strives to give space to scholars working on the broad field of humanities, who are involved in studies of the given period and geographical area. Stred /Centre aims at interconnecting the extensive and simultaneously rather fragmented field of research dedicated to Central Europe from the viewpoint of various disciplines. Therefore it publishes original studies from individual fields as well as studies with the ambition to step over the border defined by disciplinary divisions and to connect more disciplines in a productive dialogue. As a peer-rewieved journal Střed | Centre was founded on January 1, 2009 and is issued twice a year. It is oriented on monothematic issues presenting inter-related scientific essays. Topics of individual issues are published on the journal web page well in advance.

  • Manuscript Studies / Studie o rukopisech  

    is a specialized codicological periodical that has been published since 1962. Apart from codicology, which is often described as the science of manuscripts, Manuscript Studies is also open to other auxiliary historical disciplines (particularly paleography) and other fields involving manuscript research (philology, art history, literary history, musicology and legal history).

  • A peer-reviewed specialist journal (published since 1. 11. 2009), which loosely follows on from Práce z dějin Československé akademie věd [Studies in the History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences], Series A, Volumes 1-4 (1986–1992), Práce z dějin Akademie věd [Studies in the History of the Academy of Sciences], Series A, Volumes 5-6 (1997–1997) and Práce z Archivu Akademie věd [Studies from the Archive of the Academy of Sciences], Series A, Volumes 8-9 (2005-2007).


  • Zpravodaj MÚA vychází jednou ročně, přináší přehled činnosti ústavu a jeho jednotlivých oddělení. Soustřeďuje zejména informace o pořádaných akcích (mezinárodní konference, semináře, přednášky, prezentace, výstavy apod.), výběrovou knižní a článkovou bibliografii pracovníků ústavu s anotacemi, přehled archivní práce, různé rozhovory, medailony, články a zajímavosti.

  • Dějiny - Teorie - Kritika (History - Theory - Criticism journal) focuses on the history of historiography, as well as methodology and its changing face, with the spotlight on polemics and criticism. From 2004 to 2010 the periodical was published by the ASCR Masaryk Institute in collaboration with the ASCR Institute for Contemporary History and the Charles University Faculty of Humanities; as of number 1/2011 its sole publisher is now the Charles University Faculty of Humanities in Prague. The journal continues to come out twice a year and its editors-in-chief are Pavel Himl amd Martin Nodl.

  • Ročenku začal vydávat Ústřední archiv ČSAV v roce 1970, ukončena byla svazkem č. 16 v roce 1985. Cílem bylo informovat o výsledcích, práci a odborných problémech v archivu, hledat řešení otázek archivní teorie a praxe ve vztahu k ÚA ČSAV a jeho fondům, informovat o výsledcích práce v kodikologii (Komise pro soupis a studium rukopisů).