[= Grammoptera auricollis bipustulata Steiner, 1975]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI

[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Grammoptera bipustulata is an endemic species to Peloponnese (South Greece). Adult beetles have been collected on flowering bushes of Quercus coccifera and Crataegus. Females of this species were observed (Hoskovec, in litt.) ovipositing in a dead branch of a living Quercus coccifera. This branch showed a typical pattern of a fungal attack similar to fungi other Grammoptera species (G. abdominalis, G. ustulata) are associated with.
Body length: 5 - 9 mm Life cycle: 2 years [?] Adults in: May - June Host plant: oaks (Quercus spp.) Distribution: a species endemic to South Greece (Peloponnese)
The depicted beetles were beaten from a blossoming hawthorn (Crataegus) in locality situated along the main road from Sparta to Tripoli on a mountain plateau (20 km S Tripoli, 900 m, Peloponnese peninsula, South Greece).Collected by M.Hoskovec
Steiner S.:
Eine neue Grammoptera-Art aus Griechenland (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen 26: 22-23, [1974] 1975. [download]
Subfamilia: Lepturinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Lepturini Latreille, 1804
Genus: Grammoptera Audinet-Serville, 1835
Subgenus: Grammoptera Audinet-Serville, 1835
Species: Grammoptera (Grammoptera) bipustulata Steiner, 1975