Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius, 1787)

Subfamilia: SPONDYLIDINAE  /  Tribus: ASEMINI

Tetropium fuscum
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Tetropium fuscum is a relatively rare European Tetropium species developing in coniferous trees (Picea, Pinus). Larvae feed in dead wood of the hosts. In Central Europe the species prefers spruces (Picea). It is crepuscular and nocturnal but can easily be found on freshly felled trunks when inspected the ground facing parts of the trunks.

Body length:8 - 27 mm
Life cycle:1 year
Adults in:June - July
Host plant:coniferous trees (Picea, Pinus)
Distribution:Europe, Russia

The depicted mounted beetle was collected by M.Rejzek on freshly felled trunks of Picea abies in Novohradské Mts. (South Bohemia, Czechia). The living beetle was captured in Białowieża Forest (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland) in May 2018.

Tetropium fuscum
[Photo © Adam Woźniak]

Subfamilia: Spondylidinae Audinet-Serville, 1832
Tribus: Asemini Thomson, 1860
Genus: Tetropium Kirby, 1837
Species: Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius, 1787)