Blabinotus spinicollis Wollaston, 1854

Blabinotus spinicollis
[Photo © David Navrátil]

Blabinotus spinicollis, nocturnal species endemic to Canary Islands and Madeira, was described by Thomas Vernon Wollaston from Curral das Freiras (Câmara de Lobos district, Madeira) in 1854 [✧]. Larvae of this beetle mainly develop in Laurus azorica but other broadleaved tree species have also been reported to serve as hosts (Salix, Persea indica and Apollonias barbujana). The species is a typical inhabitant of humid laurisilva forests and is strictly confined to such habitats. Females oviposit into recently dead shoots of Laurus azorica situated in fairly shady locations. Typically the diameter of such shoot is 5 -10 cm. Up to several larvae can develop in one dead shoot. Only rarely branches within canopy or other sun exposed tree parts are attacked. Young larvae first feed subcortically creating rather broad galleries filled with nonfibrous frass. Later instar larvae enter sapwood and create pupal cells there. Adults hatch in December but do not leave the pupal cells before February.

Body length:9 - 15 mm
Life cycle:2 - 3 years
Adults in:February and August
Host plant:prefers Laurus azorica
Distribution:endemic to Macaronesia (Canary Islands and Madeira)

The sepicted beetles ware reared from a dead branch of Laurus azorica collected in Barranco de Los Tiles de Moya (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain) and in Hermigua (La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain), respectively.

Collected by Petr Kabátek and M.Rejzek

Wollaston T.V.:
Insecta Maderensia; being an account of the Insects of the Islands of the Madeiran group.
London, van Voorst, 634pp [pages 427-427 and Table IX], 1854. [download pdf icon]

Blabinotus spinicollis
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Hesperophanini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Blabinotus Wollaston, 1854
Species: Blabinotus spinicollis Wollaston, 1854