Hesperoferus roridus (Brullé, 1838)
[= Trichoferus roridus (Brullé, 1838)]
[= Hesperophanes roridus Brullé, 1838]

Hesperoferus roridus
[Photo © David Navrátil]

Hesperoferus roridus has been described as Callidium (Hosparophanes) roridum by Auguste Gaspard in 1837 [❖]. Hesperoferus, originally as a subgenus, has been estabilished by Carl Demelt in 1971 [✧]. More info about localities and biology of this species you cand find in the dedicated page.

Body length:15 - 28 mm
Life cycle:2 and more years
Adults in:July - September
Host plant:larvae in stems and roots of Adenocarpus viscosus and Adenocarpus foliosus, Spartocytisus nubigenus, Lotus campylocladus
Distribution:a species endemic to Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

The depicted mounted specimens were reared from pupae found in dead Adenocarphus viscosus in Bosque de la Esperanza environs (1717 m a.s.l., Tenerife, Canary Islands) on June 27, 2019. The living beetles were reared from dead branches of Adenocarpus foliosus. They were collected in Chio (North Tenerife, Canary Islands).

Collected by David Navrátil and Jean-Claude Ringenbach

Brullé A.G.:
Animaux articulés recueillis aux îles Canaries par MM. Webb et Berthelot. Entomologie.
In Webb F. P. & Berthelot S.: Histoire Naturelle des Iles Canaries, Paris 2 [1838]: 1-119 [page 62], 1839.
paru en 1839 d'après Horn & Schenkling [download pdf icon]

Demelt C.:
Beschreibung einer neuen untergattung aus dem tribus Hesperophanini von Teneriffa (Canarische Inseln).
Koleopterologische Rundschau, Wien 49: 5-7, 1971. [download pdf icon]

Hesperoferus roridus
Hesperoferus roridus
Hesperoferus roridus
[Photo © Jean-Claude Ringenbach]

Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Hesperophanini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Hesperoferus Demelt, 1971
Species: Hesperoferus roridus (Brullé, 1838)