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Volume 57, Issue 3, 2008



Physiol. Res. 57: 311-320, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Plasma membrane microparticles in angiogenesis: role in ischemic diseases and in cancer.
H. A. Mostefai, R. Andriantsitohaina, M. C. Martínez (CNRS UMR 6214, INSERM U771, Angers, France)

Physiol. Res. 57: 321-326, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Catheter-based management of aortic valve regurgitation in experimental cardiology.
J. Šochman, J. H. Peregrin (Clin. Cardiol., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 327-338, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Neuroendocrine and oxidoreductive mechanisms of stress induced cardiovascular diseases.
S. B. Pajović, M. B. Radojčić, D. T. Kanazir (Lab Mol. Biol Endocrinol, Vinča Inst. Nuclear Sci., Serbian Acad. Sci. Arts, Belgrade, Serbia)

Physiol. Res. 57: 339-349, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Bone remodeling, particle disease and individual susceptibility to periprosthetic osteolysis.
J. Gallo, M. Raška, F. Mrázek, M. Petrek (Dept. Orthopedics, Fac. Med., Univ. Hosp., Palacky Univ., Olomouc, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 351-363, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Cryografts implantation in human circulation would ensure a physiological transition in the arterial wall energetics, damping and wave reflection.
D. Bia, J. G. Barra, R.L. Armentano, Y, Zocalo, H. Pérez, M. Saldias, L. Alvarez, E. I. Cabrera Fischer (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med., Univ. República, Montevideo, Uruguay)

Original Articles

Physiol. Res. 57: 365-371, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Noninvasive in vivo assessment of the skeletal muscle and small intestine serous surface microcirculation in rat: sidestream dark-field (SDF) imaging.
Z. Turek, V. Černý, R. Pařízková (Dept. Anesthesiol. Intensive Care Med., Univ. Hospital Hradec Kralove, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 373-378, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Effects of endothelin-11-31 on cell viability and [Ca2+]i in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.
A.-J. Ren, X. Yuan, L. Lin, Y.-X. Pan, Y.-W. Qing, W.-J. Yuan (Dept. Physiol., Coll. Basic Med. Sci., Second Military Med. Univ.,Shanghai, China)

Physiol. Res. 57: 379-384, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Targeted deletion of MMP-9 attenuates myocardial contractile dysfunction in heart failure.
K. S. Moshal, W. E. Rodriguez, U. Sen, S. C. Tyagi (Dept. Physiol. Biophys., Univ. Louisville Sch. Med., Louisville, KY, USA)

Physiol. Res. 57: 385-391, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Overweight and decreased baroreflex sensitivity as independent risk factors for hypertension in children, adolescents, and young adults.
K. Krontorádová, N. Honzíková, B. Fišer, Z. Nováková, E. Závodná,
H. Hrstková, P. Honzík (First Dept. Pediatr. Intern. Med., Med. Fac., Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 393-402, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
The influence of wine polyphenols on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production by rat macrophages RAW 264.7.
M. Číž, M. Pavelková, L. Gallová, J. Králová, L. Kubala, A. Lojek (Inst. Biophysics, Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 403-411, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Effect of chronic cadmium exposure on antioxidant defense system in some tissues of rats: protective effect of selenium.
B. I. Ognjanović, S. D. Marković, S. Z. Pavlović, R. V. Žikić, A. Š. Štajn, Z. S. Saičić (Inst. Biol. Ecol., Fac. Sci., Univ. Kragujevac, Serbia)

Physiol. Res. 57: 413-420, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
In vitro antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects of Flavin7®.
J. Mojžiš, M. Šarišský, M. Pilátová, V. Voharová, L. Varinská, G. Mojžišová, A. Ostro, P. Urdzík, R. Dankovčk, L. Mirossay (Dept. Pharmacol., Med. Fac., P.J. Safarik Univ., Kosice, Slovak Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 421-425, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Positioning of the NOR-bearing chromosomes in relation to nucleoli in daughter cells after mitosis.
M. Kalmárová, E. Smirnov, L. Kováčik, A. Popov, I. Raška (Inst. Cellular Biol. Pathol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. in Prague, Prague, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 427-435, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
An evidence for regulatory cross-talk between aryl hydrocarbon receptor and glucocorticoid receptor in HepG2 cells.
Z. Dvořák, R. Vrzal, P. Pávek, J. Ulrichová (Dept. Med. Chem. Biochem., Fac. Med. Dentistry, Palacky Univ., Olomouc, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 437-442, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Leptin affects proliferation-, apoptosis- and protein kinase A-related peptides in human ovarian granulosa cells.
A. V. Sirotkin, M. Mlynček, A. V. Makarevich, I. Florkovičová, L. Hetényi (Res. Inst. Animal Production, Nitra, Slovak Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 443-449, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Modulation of substance P signaling by dipeptidyl peptidase-IV enzymatic activity in human glioma cell lines.
P. Bušek, J. Stremeňová, E. Křepela, A. Šedo (Joint Lab. Cancer Cell Biol., First Fac.Med., Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 451-458, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Adiponectin as a potential marker of prostate cancer progression: studies in organ-confined and locally advanced prostate cancer.
D. Housa, Z. Vernerová, J. Heráček, B. Procházka, P. Čechák, J. Kuncová,
M. Haluzík (Dept. Pathol., Third Med. Fac., Teaching Hosp. Královské Vinohrady, Prague, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 459-465, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Immunological response in the mouse melanoma model after local hyperthermia.
J. Kubeš, J. Svoboda, J. Rosina, M. Starec, A. Fišerová (Dept. Radiation Oncol., Fac. Hospital Ostrava, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 467-474, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Different functional responsibility of the small intestine to high-fat/high-energy diet determined the expression of obesity-prone and obesity-resistant phenotypes in rats.
Z. Šefčíková, T. Hájek, Ľ. Lenhardt, Ľ. Raček, Š. Mozeš (Inst. Animal Physiol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Košice, Slovak Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 475-479, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Morphological changes of rat jejunum after whole body γ-irradiation and their impact in biodosimetry.
D. Driák, J. Österreicher, J. Vávrová, Z. Řeháková, Z. Vilasová (Gynecol.-Obstetric Clinic, First Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Univ. Hospital Bulovka, Prague, Czech Rep.)

Physiol. Res. 57: 481-486, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Plasma procalcitonin in patients with ileus: relations to other inflammatory parameters.
P. Maruna, R. Fraško, R. Gürlich (Inst. Pathol. Physiol., First Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Rep.)

Short Communication

Physiol. Res. 57: 487-490, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats occurs despite low plasma levels of homocysteine.
D. Kondziella, H. Zetterberg, E. Haugen, M. Fu (Dept. Neurol., Göteborg Univ. Hosp. Sahlgrenska, Göteborg, Sweden)

Rapid Communication

Physiol. Res. 57: 491-494, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Sulodexide improves endothelial dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats.
V. Kristová, S. Líšková, 4, R. Sotníková, R. Vojtko, A. Kurtanský (Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Med., Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Rep.

Physiol. Res. 57: 495-498, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Late blood pressure reduction in shr subjected to transient captopril treatment in youth: possible mechanisms.

J. Zicha, Z. Dobešová, J. Kuneš (Cardiovasc. Res. Center, Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. of the Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Rep.)


Physiol. Res. 57, 2008 Full text (PDF file)
Proceeding of the 13th International SHR Meeting Prague, June 20-22, 2008

This number was issued in June 2008

© 2008 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences