Stuller J., Linkova Z. (Eds.) |
Inteligentní modely, algoritmy, metody a nástroje pro vytváření sémantického webu. Praha, Ústav informatiky AV ČR 2006, 130p. ISBN: 80-903298-7-4 |
Stuller J. |
SOFSEM 2006: Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. ERCIM News, 2006, No. 65, pp. 6-7, ISSN: 0926-4981 |
Wiedermann J., Tel G., Pokorny J., Bielikova M., Stuller J. (Eds.) |
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3831) Berlin, Springer-Verlag 2006, 576p. ISBN: 3-540-31198-X, ISSN: 0302-9743 |
Wiedermann J., Tel G., Pokorny J., Bielikova M., Stuller J. (Eds.) |
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Vol. : 2. Prague, Institute of Computer Science AS CR 2006, 173p. ISBN: 80-903298-4-5 |
Stuller J. |
The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (CSKI). IT STAR Newsletter, Vol. 2, 2004, No. 1, pp. 6 |
Stuller J. |
SOFSEM 2004: 30th Anniversary. ERCIM News, 2004, No. 57, pp. 67. ISSN: 0926-4981 |
Stuller J. |
Sémantický web – vízie, príncipy a nástroje. [Semantic web – Visions, Principles and Tools.] In: Softecon 2004. – Bratislava, SOFTEC 2004, pp. 1-12 |
Van Emde Boas P., Pokorny J., Bielikova M., Stuller J. (Eds.) |
SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Berlin, Springer-Verlag 2004, 385p. ISBN: 3-540-20779-1, ISSN: 0302-9743. |
Van Emde Boas P., Pokorny J., Bielikova M., Stuller J. (Eds.) |
SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Proceedings Volume II. Prague, MATFYZPRESS 2004, 264p. ISBN: 80-86732-19-3 |
Stuller J. |
Data Integration, Data Inconsistencies and Data Semantics. Emerging Database Research in East Europe. (Ed.: Thalheim B., Fiedler G.) – Cottbus, Brandenburger University of Technology 2003, pp. 127-132. ISSN: 1437-7969 |
Stuller J. |
Data Integration and Inconsistencies. Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services. (Ed.: Ibrahim I.K., Bressan S., Schwinger W.) – Delft , SCS-Europe Publishing House 2002, pp. 114-124. ISBN: 3-936150-18-4. |
Lindner W., Stuller J. (Eds.) |
Proceedings of EDBT 2002 PhD Workshop. Praha, MATFYZPRESS 2002, 134p. ISBN: 80-85863-78-2. |
Stuller J. |
Data Integration Inconsistencies Resolution.Technical Report No. 847, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2001, 16 pages |
Masunaga Y., Pokorny J.,
Stuller J., Thalheim B. (Eds.) |
Proceedings of Challenges 2000 ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems Enlarged Fourth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. Prague, MATFYZPRESS 2000, 274p. ISBN 80-85863-56-1. |
Stuller J., Pokorny J.,
Thalheim B., Masunaga Y. (Eds.) |
Current Issues in Databases and Information Systems. Berlin, Springer 2000, 396p. ISBN 3-540-67977-4 ISSN 0302-9743 |
Stuller J. |
Integration Inconsistencies Removal in Data Mining. In: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools and Technology II. (Ed.: Dasarathy B. V.) – Bellingham, SPIE 2000, pp.281-291 ISBN 0-8194-3683-6 ISSN 0277-786X |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistencies in Data Warehousing. In: Proceedings 1999 International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (DANTE’99). (Ed.: Kambayashi Y., Takakura H.) – Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society 1999, pp.43-50 ISBN 0-7695-0496-5 |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistencies in Data Warehousing. In: DANTE’99. International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments. (Ed.: Kambayashi Y., Takakura H.) – Kyoto, Kyoto University 1999, pp.89-94 |
Stuller J. |
Databases Integration Inconsistencies Removal. In: Proceedings of the DATASEM’99. 19th Annual Conference on the Current Trends in Databases and Information Systems. (Ed.: Richta K.) – Brno, DATASEM 1999, pp.323-331 ISBN 80-210-2181-0 |
Stuller J. |
Existence Conditions and Classification of the Inconsistencies in the Databases Integration. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Software Engineering and Database Systems of the International Computer Symposium ICS 98, Tainan, National Cheng Kung University, 17th-19th December 1998, 6-13 |
Stuller J. |
Existence Conditions for the Inconsistencies in the Databases Integration.Technical Report No. 760, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1998, 11 pages |
Stuller J. |
Classification of the Inconsistencies in the Databases Integration. Technical Report No. 746, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1998, 11 pages |
Stuller J. |
Incomplete Information in Database Systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Database Systems Databazy’97., Bratislava, Slovakia, 6th June 1997, 37-45 |
Stuller J. |
Database Systems and Logic – I. – Prague, Technical Report No. 702, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1997, 35 pages |
Provaznikova H., Stuller J., Stullerova N., Berkovicova V. |
Life Style, Health and Achievements of Students of the Faculty of Medicine (In Czech „Životní styl, zdraví a prospěh studentů l. lékařské fakulty“). In: Journal of Czechoslovak Psychology (Československá psychologie), 1997, 41/3, pp.216-224 |
Stuller J. (Editor.) |
Supplement to the Report for the Evalution of the Institute. Technical Report No. 674, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1996, 76 pages |
Stuller J. (Editor) |
Report for the Evalution of the Institute.Technical Report No. 673, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1996, 85 pages |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Conflict Resolution. In: Proceedings of the XXII-th Winter School SOFSEM ’95 – Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, 25th November – 2nd December 1995, Milovy, Czech Republic, (Editors: Bartosek M., Staudek J., Wiedermann J.), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 1012, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 469-474, ISBN 3-540-60609-2 |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Resolution in the Integration of Databases. In: Proceedings of the 15th Database Conference DATASEM ’95, 8th-10th October 1995, Brno, Czech Republic, M. S. – PRINT, Letovice, 47-52, ISBN 80-900066-9-8 |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Conflict Resolution in the Integration of the Databases. In: Proceedings of the International Conference „Computer Science“, 5th-7th September 1995, Ostrava, Czech Republic, (Editors: Vondrak I., Stefan J.), Ostrava – MARQ, Ostrava Repronis, ISBN 80-901751-7-1, 283-289 |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Problems in the Information Systems Integration. ( Invited Lecture.) (Extended Abstract.) In: Lecture Notes on Biomathematics and Bioinformatics ’95, (Editor: Candev M.), Materials of the School for Young Scientits, the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Information Systems in the Biology, Ecology and Medicine BIOMATH-95, 23rd-27th August 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria, Information Systems in the Biology, Ecology and Medicine BIOMATH-95, 23rd-27th August 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria, DATECS Publishing Ltd – Institute of Biophysics, BAN, Sofia, 1995, 67-71, ISBN 954-613-006-0 |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Problems in the Information Systems Integration. ( Tutorial Lecture.) (Abstract.) In: BIOMATH-95 : Proceedings of Abstracts of the International Symposium and Young Scientists School on Mathematical Modelling and Information Systems in the Biology, Ecology and Medicine BIOMATH-95, 23rd-27th August 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria, (Editors : Popova E. D., Markov S., Ullrich Ch.), DATECS Publishing Ltd. – Institute of Biophysics, BAN, Sofia, 1995, p. 77, ISBN 954-613-005-2 |
Denksteinova M., Nyvltova L., Pesek D., Stuller J. |
Overview List of Technical Reports and Dissertations – Completed at the Occasion of 20th Aniversary of Institute Foundation (From Foundation till 15th June 1995). Technical Report No. 639, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1995, 88 pages |
Stuller J. |
Inconsistency Resolution in the Databases Integration. In : Proceedings of the International Scientific Seminar DATABASE SYSTEMS („DATABAZOVE SYSTEMY“), an accompanying program of the exposition COFAX’95, 1st-2nd June 1995, Bratislava, Slovakia, Centre of Edition, House of Technology of the Union of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies, Bratislava, 102-107, ISBN 80-233-0348-1 |
Provaznikova H., Stuller J., Stullerova N. |
Health and Prevention Care Possibilities for First Year Students of the Charles University 3rd Medical Faculty at Prague. (In Czech: Zdravi a moznosti preventivni pece o studenty prvniho rocniku 3. lekarske fakuty UK Praha.) In: Journal of Czechoslovak Psychology ( Ceskoslovenska psychologie), 1995, 34/2, 159-169, Academia, ISSN 0009-062X |
Stuller J. |
Ordered Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Revised. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods MODELLING 94, Prague, 29th August – 2nd September 1994, (Guest Editor : Nedoma J.), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 63 (1 – 3), 20 november 1995, 221 – 227, ISSN 0377-0427 (North-Holland, Elsevier Science B.V. ) |
Stuller J. |
Ordered Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Revised. In : Abstracts of the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computation Methods MODELLING 94, Prague, 29th August – 2nd September 1994, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1994 |
Stuller J. |
Ordered Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Revised. (Extended Abstract). In: Bulletin of the Conference on Numerical and Applied Mathematics, 8th June 1994, Department of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec – Czech Republic, p. 12 |
Stuller J. |
Some Comments on the Ordered Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization. Research Report No.586, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1994, 18 pages |
Hajek P., Harmancova D., Hrycej D., Javorsky S., Kufudaki O., Prokop J., Stuller J. (editor), Zak P. |
Report on the Research for the Cluster Medicine Centre in the Year 1993. (In Czech: Zprava o vysledcich vyzkumu pro Centrum klastrove mediciny za rok 1993.) Research Report No.573, ICS AS CR, Prague, 1994, 48 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Conceptual model of the Cluster Medicine Centre activities. (In Slovak : Konceptualny model cinnosti Centra clustrovej mediciny.) Research Report No.571, Institute of Computer Science (ICS), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR), Prague, 1994, 26 pages |
Stuller J. |
Mathematiques. Exercices a 1′ usage des etudiants de MI 2. ENIM, Monastir, 1992-1993, 30 pages |
Stuller J. |
Distributions. Cours a 1′ usage des etudiants de Elec 3 – Ener 3 – Mec 3 (Fascicules 1-4). ENIM, Monastir, 1991-1992, 70 pages |
Stuller J. |
Transformations integrales. Cours a l‘ usage des etudiants de Elec 3 – Ener 3 – Mec 3 (Fascicules 1-2). ENIM, Monastir, 1991-1992, 32 pages |
Stuller J. |
Fonctions de la variable complexe. Cours a l‘ usage des etudiants de Elec 3 – Ener 3 – Mec 3 (Fascicules 1-3). ENIM, Monastir, 1990-1991, 107 pages |
Stuller J. |
Algebre lineaire. Cours a l‘ usage des etudiants de AP1 (Fascicules 1-5). ENIM, Monastir, 1990, 60 pages |
Stuller J. |
Algebre generale. Cours a l‘ usage des etudiants de AP1 (Fascicules 1-3). L’Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de Monastir (ENIM) – L’Universite de Centre, Tunisia, Monastir, 1989, 110 pages |
Hamata V., Havranek T., Hochmann R., Kroftova J., Laska J., Novak M., Strnad P., Sebesta V., Stuller J., Vojta P. |
Lectures from the 1st Seminar on the Integrated Information and Computer systems. (In Czech: Soubor prednasek z 1. seminare o Integrovanych informacnich a vypocetnich systemech), Prague, 13th December 1988, Research Report No.398, GCC CAS, Prague, 1989, 100 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Reality Modelling in the Information Systems. ( Invited Paper.) (In Slovak: Modelovanie reality v informacnych systemoch.) In: Proceedings of the Scientific Seminar on the Integrated Information Systems, Prague, 13th December 1988, Zpravodaj Sdruzeni uzivatelu pocitacu JSEP a SMEP (News of the Association of the SMEP and JSEP users), 5, 2/89, pages 90-92 |
Stuller J. |
An Interactive System for the Conceptual Modelling in the Database Systems. (In Slovak: Interaktivny system pre konceptualne modelovanie v databazovych systemoch.) Research Report No.372, GCC CAS, Prague, 1988, 108 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Dynamic Aspects in the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Dynamicke aspekty v konceptualnom modelovani.) Research Report No.363, GCC CAS, Prague, 1988, 25 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Attribute in the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Atribut v konceptualnom modelovani.) Research Report No.362, GCC CAS, Prague, 1988, 25 pages |
Stuller J. |
Database Systems. [Invited paper.] In: Proceedings of the Seminar on the Modern Programming „MOP – 88“, Cerveny Klastor, 29th May – 3rd June 1988, The Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society Branch at the Computer Centre of the Charles University at Prague, Prague, 1988, Volume 2, pages 71-92 |
Stuller J. |
The Remote Sensing Databank. (In Slovak: Databanka DPZ.) In: Proceedings of the Scientific Seminar on the Target Project of the Basic Research „Remote Sensing“, Brezuvky, 24th-25th February 1988, Cooperative Mir, Brezuvky, 1988, Volume I, pages 149-156 |
Stuller J. |
The Information System for the European Congress on the Simulation – ECS ’87. (In Slovak: Informacny system o ECS ’87.) Technical Report No.245, GCC CAS, Prague, 1987, 48 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Tools for the Conceptual Modelling. In: Proceedings of the European Congress on the Simulation – ECS 87, Prague, 21st-25th September 1987, Academia, Prague, 1987, Volume B, pages 194-197 |
Stuller J. |
The Theory, Methods and Tools for the Conceptual Modelling in the Database Design. ( Invited Paper.) In: (Editor: Burev D.) Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium “ Automation and Scientific Instrumentation – 87 “ (ASI 87), Varna (Bulgaria), 14th-19th September 1987, Volume I, 169-174, Sofia, CLANP BAN |
Pavlu I., Soudsky O., Stuller J. |
The Structure of Informations from the Excavations of Neolithic Sites and their Preparing for Scientific Processing. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Neolithic Site BYLANY : BYLANY SEMINAR 1987 Collected Papers, Liblice, 6th-10th April 1987, Archaelogical Institute of the CAS, Prague, 1989, (Editor: Rulf J.) 35-44 (41-43) |
Holena M., Husek D., Kouba Z., Pokorny J., Stuller J. (editor), Vitkova G.: |
The Study of the Models for the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Studia modelov pre konceptuane modelovanie.) Research Reports No.295-296, GCC CAS, Prague, 1987, 238 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Use of the Expert System EQUANT for the Conceptual Schema Formation. (In Slovak: Vyuzitie expertneho systemu EQUANT pri tvorbe konceptualnej schemy.) In: Proceedings of the International Symposium ALGORITMY 87, Strbske Pleso, 6th-10th April 1987, The Association of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 1987, 311-313 Hrycej D., Rizek S., Stuller J.: The Acquisition and the Processing of the Remote Sensing a priori Auxiliary Data. (In Czech: Porizovani a zpracovani apriornich podpurnych dat pro DPZ.) Research Report No.268, GCC CAS, Prague, 1987, 23 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Possibilities of the Expert Systems Use for the Database System Conceptual Schema Formation. (In Slovak: Moznosti vyuzitia expertnych systemov pri tvorbe konceptualnej schemy databazoveho systemu.) In: Proceedings of the National Seminar DATASEM ’86, Znojmo, 28th-30th October 1986, Brno Technical University Branch of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society at Brno, 1986, Brno, Volume II, 13-19 |
Stuller J. |
The Possibilities of an Interactive Database Design. (In Slovak: Moznosti interaktivneho navrhu databaz.) In: Proceedings of the International Congress DATABASE 1986, Prague, 8th-10th October 1986, The House of the Technics and of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society at Prague, 1986, 252-255 |
Stuller J. |
The Work with the Data Base Management System „IDMS“ – Integrated Database Management System – Release Data Base (DB) 5.7 – Integrated Data Dictionary (IDD) 3.0 – Data Communication (DC) 2.0 on the Computer „VK2M45“. (In Slovak: Praca s IDMS DB 5.7 – IDD~3.0 – DC 2.0 na pocitaci VK2M45.) Technical Report No.244, GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 34 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Mathematical Aspects of the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Matematicke aspekty konceptualneho modelovania.) The Thesis. GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 136 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Conceptual Schema Language (CSL) Project for the Conceptual Schema Formation. (In Slovak: Navrh jazyka CSL na vytvaranie konceptualnej schemy.) Research Report No.241, GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 34 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Composition and the Decomposition of the Objects in the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Skladanie a rozklad objektov v konceptualnom modelovani.) Research Report No.238, GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 32 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Classification in the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Klasifikacia v konceptualnom modelovani.) Research Report No.235, GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 35 pages |
Stuller J. |
The History and the Present of the Conceptual Modelling. (In Slovak: Historia a sucasnost konceptualneho modelovania.) Research Report No.234, GCC CAS, Prague, 1986, 37 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Database Systems in the General Computing Center of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. (In Slovak: Databazove systemy v SVT CSAV.) [ – The Study for the Proposal of a Basic Research Project for the Years 1986-90.] Research Report No.209, GCC CAS, Prague, 1985, 21 pages |
Stuller J. |
The JCL Procedures for the Work with the DBMS IDMS on the Computer „VK2M45“. (In Slovak: JCL procedury pre pracu s IDMS na pocitaci VK2M45.) Technical Report No.161, GCC CAS, Prague, 1984, 19 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Job Control Language (JCL) Procedures for the Work with the Data Base Management System (DBMS) „Integrated Database Management System“ (IDMS). (In Slovak: JCL procedury pre pracu s IDMS.) Technical Report No.160, GCC CAS, Prague, 1984, 27 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Databank for the Archaeological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. (In Slovak: Databanka pre AU CSAV.) Research Report No.153, GCC of CAS, Prague, 1984, 49 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Theoretical Foundations of the Database Systems. (In Slovak: Teoreticke zaklady databazovych systemov – Praca ku kandidatskemu minimu.) GCC of the CAS, Prague, 1983, 101 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Data Bank for the Archaeological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. (In Slovak: Databanka pre AU CSAV.) Internal Report. The General Computing Center (GCC) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CAS) at Prague, 1982, 5 pages |
Stuller J. |
The Parallel Actions Synchronization Methods in the Computer. The Dissertation. (In Slovak: Metody synchronizacie paralelnych akcii v pocitaci.) The Department of the Mathematics at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, 1979, 175 pages |