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A four-year research position for a PhD student at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences within the project EXPRO "Graph limits and beyond'' funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR).
See https://users.math.cas.cz/~hladky/ProjectGraphLimits2.html. Jan Hladky is the principal investigator.
The Czech Academy of Sciences does not have its own doctoral programme but cooperates in doctoral training with all major Czech universities (such as Charles University and the Czech Technical University). The Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences has a lively combinatorics groups (http://uivty.cs.cas.cz/ExtrA/people.html), and so do the potential hosting universities (see https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/kam, https://www.mff.cuni.cz/cs/iuuk, http://tigr.fjfi.cvut.cz/).
The tentative starting date is summer/autumn 2021. The tentative end date is August 2025. Part time is possible in case of parental duties (subject to approval by the GACR). Starting salary is 30,000CZK/month. This is on top of a doctoral scholarship of more than 10,000CZK/month provided by the hosting university. See https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp. Support for travel is available.
Candidates are expected to have a MSc degree (or obtain one by the end of the academic year 2020/2021) and have background in at least one of the following fields: combinatorics, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer sciences, probability, real analysis. The position requires that the applicant is (or becomes later in 2021) a PhD student at a university, typically in Czechia.
For informal inquiries, please contact Jan Hladky. To submit your application, send a short motivation letter and your CV and your transcript of records to ics@cs.cas.cz and arrange for two reference letters to be sent to the same address before the closing date, March 30, 2021. If no suitable candidates apply before the closing date, late applications will be considered.