ICS doctoral position
The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) offers fellowship for a promising PhD student with a view to create conditions for the fellow to write an outstanding PhD thesis.
[ Ostatní příležitosti ]
- The applicant must be a PhD student of computer science, mathematics or a related discipline.
- He/she has good prerequisites for scientific work which he/she can substantiate by concrete results.
- His/her PhD supervisor is an experienced, internationally recognized scientist.
- Application deadline: May 31, 2021.
- Starting date: August 1, 2021 or upon agreement.
- Fellowship is limited by 24 months duration or by applicant´s PhD thesis defense, whichever occurs sooner.
- This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment. Part time contract possible if taking care of a child.
- Monthly gross salary 27 000 CZK.
- Additional bonus: travel package for the total duration up to 30 000 CZK for conferences and research stays.
The applications are to be sent to ics@cs.cas.cz and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Brief description of applicant’s research interests, his/her results obtained so far, and of intended research plan during the fellowship, highlighting possible cooperation inside ICS.
- Letter of recommendation from the applicant´s PhD supervisor.
For further information and informal enquiries please contact ics@cs.cas.cz