Postdoctoral/Research Fellow position in brain signal processing: Visual information flows
A postdoc or research fellow position is available to join the
Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group for the project:
“Timing of the spatial scene processing in the dorsal and ventral visual stream of the human brain“ funded by the Czech Science Foundation.
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The project involves developing, optimizing and applying techniques for analysis of brain activity time series data (intracortical/scalp electrophysiology)
o provide insight into dynamics of information flow during visual processing of spatial scenes in human.
The project is carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the 2nd Medical Faculty of the Charles University.
Quick Info
- Period: 12 months duration (with possible extension up to 30 months to be decided after the first year)
- Contact Person: Ing. Mgr. Jaroslav Hlinka, Ph.D.
- Deadline: April 30, 2021
- Contract is of 12 months duration (with possible extension up to 30 months to be decided after the first year).
- Starting date: position is available immediately.
- Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a first cut-off point on 30. 4. 2021
- This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment. Part time contract negotiable.
- Monthly gross salary: 37000 - 47 000 CZK based on qualifications and experience.
Cost Of Living Comparison
- Bonuses depending on performance and travel funding for conferences and research stays.
- No teaching duties.
- Applicants should:
- Hold a PhD in mathematics, computer science, complex systems or a related discipline (applications for a part-time doctoral position will
be also considered; supervision of related PhD thesis topics possible at the Czech Technical University or Charles University).
- Have strong statistical and/or machine learning data analysis skills with practical programming experience.
- Be fluent in English.
- We seek curious, self-motivated, hard-working, team-spirited researchers.
- Prior experience with electrophysiological data analysis is advantageous, but not required.
- The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Two letters of recommendation. The ions directly to
- A proof of the obtained degree.
Do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator for informal inquiries concerning the position: Ing. Mgr. Jaroslav Hlinka, Ph.D.,